YESS! I beat top 50 2v2 as DAK! With Carrot Tomato and light vehicle spam! Return of the pasta tanks!

Match 13133410
T.R. Thomas:

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NorthWeapon [U] 12 months ago
  • Only vehicle build. 0 panzergrenadiers. 0 any infantry besides 2x panzerpios and a panzerjager call-in
  • Double 250 start, double panzerpio
  • They didn't make many mines mid or late-game, only some early game. The american dude went Pathfinders, which is a deathtrap to carrot tomatos.

  • The bridge map allowed my 254 recon traktor to prevent any captures. Or parking a tank in the capture point with cap ability

  • A lower elo player can beat some good players. Abusing the capture ability of the carrot tomatos

  • This is a very viable but less used strategy of abusing self-repair, capture, and carrot tomato spam