YESS! I beat top 50 2v2 as DAK! With Carrot Tomato and light vehicle spam! Return of the pasta tanks!

Match 13133410
(4) Aere Perennius
NorthWeapon (Rank 513)
Carecup (Rank 261)

T.R. 3nder (Rank 69)
T.R. Thomas (Rank 35)
Uploaded By
Sep 21, 2023
Uploaded At

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NorthWeapon [U] 12 months ago
  • Only vehicle build. 0 panzergrenadiers. 0 any infantry besides 2x panzerpios and a panzerjager call-in
  • Double 250 start, double panzerpio
  • They didn't make many mines mid or late-game, only some early game. The american dude went Pathfinders, which is a deathtrap to carrot tomatos.

  • The bridge map allowed my 254 recon traktor to prevent any captures. Or parking a tank in the capture point with cap ability

  • A lower elo player can beat some good players. Abusing the capture ability of the carrot tomatos

  • This is a very viable but less used strategy of abusing self-repair, capture, and carrot tomato spam