Profile for Elan

Head-to-Head Stats

Only opponents you've played against multiple times will show up here.
Opponent Played Wins Losses Ratio
PlammX 29 14 15 48.276%
Sponge Bob 20 9 11 45.000%
ShoulderGuy 16 10 6 62.500%
WilllTHENOOBz 13 2 11 15.385%
Monkey CPU 12 9 3 75.000%
Walletman Buntybags 11 5 6 45.455%
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 11 5 6 45.455%
Alekel 11 7 4 63.636%
ROMC 11 7 4 63.636%
Dumpster Bob 11 4 7 36.364%
LOLwhat2 10 10 0 100.000%
ElZocko 10 6 4 60.000%
lem22 10 8 2 80.000%
NEP_wilson_NEP 10 1 9 10.000%
Kakamora 10 8 2 80.000%
Insurmountable Odds 9 6 3 66.667%
Lero 9 5 4 55.556%
Zlatan 9 5 4 55.556%
Wargame 9 7 2 77.778%
Just Another French Alt 9 4 5 44.444%
LW | MUERTE 9 4 5 44.444%
Zulu 9 1 8 11.111%
KusseKarl 9 1 8 11.111%
Pinhead Larry 9 3 6 33.333%
南极蹦迪 9 8 1 88.889%
Blaston 9 7 2 77.778%
TacticalVanguard 8 5 3 62.500%
Deadpool (OCdt) 8 6 2 75.000%
48614514357 8 5 3 62.500%
勇于撤退先遣兵 8 5 3 62.500%
Generick 8 4 4 50.000%
Drink||Chouchen 8 3 5 37.500%
OUT 8 5 3 62.500%
抖音雨哲QAQ 8 7 1 87.500%
Tony Jaa 8 4 4 50.000%
사람이왜살지 8 3 5 37.500%
war 7 4 3 57.143%
xbubalo 7 2 5 28.571%
JohnsonGiver 7 3 4 42.857%
Pob 7 2 5 28.571%
Elegant_Downfall 7 4 3 57.143%
breadstix 7 4 3 57.143%
Dealer 7 5 2 71.429%
oapr.95 7 4 3 57.143%
f1anker 7 5 2 71.429%
Fey Mood 7 5 2 71.429%
JLODGE 7 2 5 28.571%
Tirant 7 0 7 0.000%
Miško 7 6 1 85.714%
bl4ckjack 7 6 1 85.714%
Dahlian 7 6 1 85.714%
Zoomer 7 5 2 71.429%
Candle 7 4 3 57.143%
rich 7 3 4 42.857%
Tea Cup 6 4 2 66.667%
atank 6 2 4 33.333%
Carecup 6 4 2 66.667%
混编旅 6 3 3 50.000%
word 6 3 3 50.000%
Mararas 6 4 2 66.667%
WTH 6 2 4 33.333%
Skeletor 6 4 2 66.667%
Kriegshase 6 2 4 33.333%
Davidoff 6 4 2 66.667%
Atlantis_164 6 4 2 66.667%
Maaque 6 2 4 33.333%
ISeeMangos 6 2 4 33.333%
[BIG] SWEEDS 6 3 3 50.000%
Nuts 6 3 3 50.000%
Thib_Soldier 6 5 1 83.333%
ztp912 6 5 1 83.333%
Trans Rights r Human Rights 6 1 5 16.667%
Hunter™ 6 2 4 33.333%
.... 6 2 4 33.333%
Spirit 6 5 1 83.333%
Delta0032 6 6 0 100.000%
Bananenratte 6 3 3 50.000%
♥ ~Lady Rytsu~ ♥ 6 2 4 33.333%
[EL] Brother Captain Specmarine 6 4 2 66.667%
Kakash 6 3 3 50.000%
Attitude Adjuster 6 3 3 50.000%
fox 6 2 4 33.333%
Jonnies 5 4 1 80.000%
literofcola 5 3 2 60.000%
Súp phờ rinh 5 4 1 80.000%
Sgannarel 5 4 1 80.000%
BlackJackKing 5 1 4 20.000%
人老打不动游戏了 5 3 2 60.000%
this profile name wasn't taken 5 4 1 80.000%
Dalej 5 4 1 80.000%
hysios 5 5 0 100.000%
HeyGuys! I_Guess_That's_it 5 4 1 80.000%
noony2351 5 2 3 40.000%
Monsieur Nathan 5 2 3 40.000%
TwistedTootsy 5 2 3 40.000%
VvvV 5 5 0 100.000%
Rangefinder 5 5 0 100.000%
Limz 5 5 0 100.000%
NJM 5 4 1 80.000%
Bartolomaeus Bart 5 4 1 80.000%
neclik 5 4 1 80.000%
Scooter 5 4 1 80.000%
Materialjerry 5 2 3 40.000%
Svenious Jakobus (GB) 5 4 1 80.000%
Elitesweets 5 3 2 60.000%
Mike 5 1 4 20.000%
Hadeda 5 4 1 80.000%
<CR> Eldho 5 4 1 80.000%
dirtycrisis 5 3 2 60.000%
我真的不是驴 5 2 3 40.000%
ZmiO 5 1 4 20.000%
The 2D Waifu Trafficker 5 2 3 40.000%
EisregenKubus0 5 2 3 40.000%
I SikhWarrior I 5 3 2 60.000%
Switchblade50 5 2 3 40.000%
Graset 5 4 1 80.000%
HXZJ 5 4 1 80.000%
ARC_RAID 5 5 0 100.000%
Dark Angels 5 0 5 0.000%
¿ 5 4 1 80.000%
water 5 3 2 60.000%
Computer - Hard 4 2 2 50.000%
MathiasCZR01 4 0 4 0.000%
Adult Asthma Is A Choice 4 1 3 25.000%
KanKubilai 4 4 0 100.000%
RayneFall 4 4 0 100.000%
POUP 4 1 3 25.000%
MisterHarvey[CC] 4 4 0 100.000%
timmy 4 3 1 75.000%
Einherjer 4 4 0 100.000%
Mattie 4 1 3 25.000%
Shawman 4 1 3 25.000%
hollywood 4 2 2 50.000%
dewman77 4 1 3 25.000%
sarigom 4 2 2 50.000%
Random_Target 4 4 0 100.000%
Sir Culito 4 4 0 100.000%
Stuart 4 2 2 50.000%
ChaBoi 4 2 2 50.000%
Frühstück 4 4 0 100.000%
糕团团 4 2 2 50.000%
TheKindLad 4 1 3 25.000%
Pano_ramix 4 4 0 100.000%
DP1564 4 3 1 75.000%
BERKSHIRE10 4 1 3 25.000%
compsecmonkey 4 2 2 50.000%
nakdbananas 4 2 2 50.000%
Kochiya Sanae 4 3 1 75.000%
McGregor777 4 3 1 75.000%
Asd 4 2 2 50.000%
NorthWeapon 4 1 3 25.000%
TheBBCKing 4 3 1 75.000%
Animal Mother 4 3 1 75.000%
Barka 4 2 2 50.000%
Ermac[Pointrunner] 4 2 2 50.000%
Vlambulance-YouTube 4 3 1 75.000%
bobik 4 2 2 50.000%
Some_Devil 4 4 0 100.000%
starchy 4 2 2 50.000%
Juddyy 4 1 3 25.000%
云天 4 3 1 75.000%
_BoRaD_ 4 4 0 100.000%
Regroup my forces 4 4 0 100.000%
☦Ashur 4 1 3 25.000%
chiamang3 4 4 0 100.000%
P4K|KiLLiN 4 4 0 100.000%
CombatRoad 4 1 3 25.000%
plavix 4 3 1 75.000%
Samson (MykillJackson) 4 2 2 50.000%
Dunkerque 4 0 4 0.000%
Like a G6 4 3 1 75.000%
joker 4 4 0 100.000%
killer_king00 4 3 1 75.000%
SvtLightning 4 3 1 75.000%
Nałogowy 4 3 1 75.000%
walnuts aren't treenuts 4 3 1 75.000%
Nithralder 4 2 2 50.000%
Fabius Maximus 4 1 3 25.000%
BossManShaw 4 1 3 25.000%
4 4 0 100.000%
FamousAverage 4 3 1 75.000%
Farsurem 4 1 3 25.000%
MrLoser ★ 4 3 1 75.000%
theGshovE 4 3 1 75.000%
hitchslaps 4 3 1 75.000%
mugirara 4 1 3 25.000%
Raedwulf 4 2 2 50.000%
Rashid al-Din Fadlullah Hamadani 4 3 1 75.000%
weasle 4 3 1 75.000%
Excalever 4 1 3 25.000%
Willeh 4 3 1 75.000%
TedioreBioTech 4 2 2 50.000%
KoMoDЫ4 4 2 2 50.000%
NanoLoki 4 0 4 0.000%
꿀뜨개Honeydipper 4 4 0 100.000%
Ѧℓρɦɚ 4 3 1 75.000%
一杆大长枪的爹 4 2 2 50.000%
稀饭好稀 3 3 0 100.000%
NaDa 3 1 2 33.333%
kuato 3 2 1 66.667%
风峣 3 3 0 100.000%
shadow 3 0 3 0.000%
Papace 3 2 1 66.667%
这游戏太难了 3 2 1 66.667%
Bego 3 0 3 0.000%
Iris 3 2 1 66.667%
Lighto 3 3 0 100.000%
ultimatron 3 3 0 100.000%
DoubleDare 3 3 0 100.000%
Pepuz 3 2 1 66.667%
4lphaPand4 3 1 2 33.333%
natynate 3 3 0 100.000%
JaCooLHero 3 2 1 66.667%
MUDDYBOOTZ 3 2 1 66.667%
White8===D 3 2 1 66.667%
jackal2150 3 2 1 66.667%
Peaky Blinders 3 1 2 33.333%
[LTD] Charette 3 2 1 66.667%
列克星敦飞弹 3 3 0 100.000%
xCorrector 3 2 1 66.667%
ClaudiaEnfield 3 1 2 33.333%
LEVS 3 2 1 66.667%
tubagznyven 3 2 1 66.667%
thecrazycowboygeneral 3 2 1 66.667%
FtsJono 3 2 1 66.667%
Ninefingers 3 3 0 100.000%
Zerg 3 1 2 33.333%
Cunha 3 3 0 100.000%
苏ꦿ一ꦿ涵ꦿ⚘ 3 1 2 33.333%
LwD-ClevelanD 3 3 0 100.000%
ohmygod321 3 0 3 0.000%
Ante345 3 0 3 0.000%
Quietus 3 2 1 66.667%
Arwootarch 3 0 3 0.000%
Suckobert 3 3 0 100.000%
O Gampros Sou 3 3 0 100.000%
JOJO 3 0 3 0.000%
Olmak 3 2 1 66.667%
-97 3 3 0 100.000%
Mr.TtoYou 3 2 1 66.667%
SuG MaddiC 3 1 2 33.333%
LotDExile 3 2 1 66.667%
Empa 3 1 2 33.333%
whine! 3 0 3 0.000%
抖音B站沙漠狐大林 3 2 1 66.667%
Sabom 3 2 1 66.667%
[PD]Lurgi 3 3 0 100.000%
KT Perry 3 0 3 0.000%
阳光刺青 3 1 2 33.333%
.Mercury-uK 3 0 3 0.000%
dX 3 2 1 66.667%
jde513 3 2 1 66.667%
Tebby 3 3 0 100.000%
T 3 1 2 33.333%
I'm no brain 3 3 0 100.000%
Sniper Ste 3 3 0 100.000%
bestia z wadowic 3 1 2 33.333%
chochomie 3 2 1 66.667%
mex 3 1 2 33.333%
Sir. Brezhnev 3 3 0 100.000%
Vodyani "USF" Fox 3 1 2 33.333%
Potato Ball Sack 3 3 0 100.000%
BIG WREBBS 3 2 1 66.667%
Ra11 3 1 2 33.333%
CoNnEcT FoUr!!! 3 2 1 66.667%
银魂 3 1 2 33.333%
zxcv 3 2 1 66.667%
울버린 3 3 0 100.000%
PANDAKING 3 2 1 66.667%
BraunBlackwater 3 1 2 33.333%
bigrat 3 2 1 66.667%
Synthsere 3 3 0 100.000%
(QT) THE'OO 3 3 0 100.000%
Aderei 3 3 0 100.000%
Mistadobalina 3 2 1 66.667%
Lightsoff 3 0 3 0.000%
Novacaine 3 3 0 100.000%
DaMayzr 3 1 2 33.333%
Алёша Ура老年特攻队 3 1 2 33.333%
El pato mandarín 3 2 1 66.667%
ArmedToad 3 2 1 66.667%
Marowi 3 1 2 33.333%
Drink||PiconBiere 3 2 1 66.667%
「𝓞𝓓𝓢𝓣」剑钟仙 3 1 2 33.333%
MR-HIFU 3 3 0 100.000%
truthrunsdeep 3 1 2 33.333%
B4R1SH 3 2 1 66.667%
Tmoney4 3 2 1 66.667%
Nudlar 3 2 1 66.667%
Herald of Salt 3 0 3 0.000%
엽하 3 1 2 33.333%
THE DESERT RAT 3 1 2 33.333%
Dreamerpython 3 3 0 100.000%
Shark 3 2 1 66.667%
FooKilla 3 2 1 66.667%
Tkil 3 2 1 66.667%
Monkey Master of Monkeys 3 3 0 100.000%
Butcher 3 2 1 66.667%
Azusa 3 1 2 33.333%
[TFL]Johnny Rico 3 3 0 100.000%
Bineto 3 2 1 66.667%
Nes_Nad 3 2 1 66.667%
Kalazarr 3 3 0 100.000%
MatioS 3 1 2 33.333%
pooterin14 3 2 1 66.667%
Broly19HS 3 0 3 0.000%
cannot compute 3 2 1 66.667%
[KMLT]Merlin 3 2 1 66.667%
Adamir@Magnum.CZ 3 1 2 33.333%
eiskalt24 3 2 1 66.667%
JO-JO-BENY 3 2 1 66.667%
Euph0ria 3 3 0 100.000%
Drink||Karmeliet 3 1 2 33.333%
Maolin 3 2 1 66.667%
MAZA_(Rus) 3 3 0 100.000%
silentbreacher 3 2 1 66.667%
Don Corleone 3 3 0 100.000%
Guardians_folly 3 2 1 66.667%
(Y.G.) General Feraud 3 2 1 66.667%
His Excellency Poltom the First 3 2 1 66.667%
Elvis Aaron Presley 3 2 1 66.667%
Nedish 3 0 3 0.000%
Redback 3 3 0 100.000%
BuckAndOx 3 3 0 100.000%
Binkie9 3 1 2 33.333%
Pinky 3 3 0 100.000%
(◣✠◢) Loxley ✠ 3 3 0 100.000%
Меткић'94 3 1 2 33.333%
Hevsik 3 0 3 0.000%
StriderRx 3 2 1 66.667%
egbi 3 3 0 100.000%
comm_ash 3 2 1 66.667%
中國狗比人多 3 2 1 66.667%
Rolling9Deep 3 0 3 0.000%
Deviant 2 1 1 50.000%
The101stAirBorne ITA 2 1 1 50.000%
Vítor 2 1 1 50.000%
McGriggles 2 1 1 50.000%
DrinkIIScotch 2 0 2 0.000%
Madscientist 2 0 2 0.000%
Spectator 2 1 1 50.000%
siosio 2 1 1 50.000%
Phan 2 1 1 50.000%
Hunter 2 2 0 100.000%
banstyle 2 1 1 50.000%
KoRneY 2 2 0 100.000%
WЇЌĭήğ§* ★assasin 2 0 2 0.000%
剩者为王 2 1 1 50.000%
rockkiller31 2 1 1 50.000%
RMN-50 2 0 2 0.000%
Tico 2 2 0 100.000%
Kidnappings 2 0 2 0.000%
Lino 2 1 1 50.000%
Kitsunenoko 2 2 0 100.000%
easyv 2 1 1 50.000%
Clobberin' time 2 2 0 100.000%
Hellbombdiver 2 2 0 100.000%
HelpingHans 2 2 0 100.000%
Oziligath 2 0 2 0.000%
MrMisrulent 2 1 1 50.000%
Walrus 2 1 1 50.000%
Shadeaux 2 1 1 50.000%
实力不足只能当老六了 2 0 2 0.000%
Jonny 2 2 0 100.000%
WARNING ORDER: ZULU!!! 2 0 2 0.000%
Why So Serious? 2 0 2 0.000%
Ace 2 2 0 100.000%
kardsharp 2 1 1 50.000%
BBC 2 1 1 50.000%
CCB 2 1 1 50.000%
lushmeadow 2 1 1 50.000%
t. Alberto Barbosa 2 1 1 50.000%
Yoga101st 2 0 2 0.000%
Lyco 2 1 1 50.000%
Wywtigerking 2 2 0 100.000%
UnbreakableFr 2 1 1 50.000%
purehate 2 2 0 100.000%
Howi 2 2 0 100.000%
Starskream 2 2 0 100.000%
Da_Red_Wunz 2 0 2 0.000%
Macho Man Randy Savage 2 2 0 100.000%
StephennJF 2 1 1 50.000%
MoronPark-四海云水怒 2 0 2 0.000%
Nanner Baggins 2 2 0 100.000%
nigo_BR ᵀᴹ 2 2 0 100.000%
GenericUsername 2 2 0 100.000%
CptLink( jimmy) 2 1 1 50.000%
drachwal91 2 0 2 0.000%
Grumpy 2 1 1 50.000%
tegreon 2 2 0 100.000%
Cmplord 2 1 1 50.000%
50Ping_FallschirmJäger 2 1 1 50.000%
Pepe87 2 1 1 50.000%
Einhander 2 1 1 50.000%
Haribo_Sneakers 2 1 1 50.000%
SamBlips 2 2 0 100.000%
Xiaya 2 2 0 100.000%
a_scheer 2 2 0 100.000%
FireFang 2 1 1 50.000%
Five 2 0 2 0.000%
Skabinsk 2 0 2 0.000%
JJB34 2 2 0 100.000%
BurningShot 2 2 0 100.000%
bigfriendlybert 2 0 2 0.000%
CAuMOH 2 0 2 0.000%
Illusive Man 2 0 2 0.000%
印爱于花集于心 2 1 1 50.000%
tommyfoxy 2 2 0 100.000%
sgusgu 2 1 1 50.000%
Wadsy 2 2 0 100.000%
Mochi_flamer 2 1 1 50.000%
HelloFriends :D 2 2 0 100.000%
Emperor Li Yi 2 2 0 100.000%
Synchronicle 2 2 0 100.000%
BlueSkidrow™ 2 1 1 50.000%
SirHilaryManfat 2 2 0 100.000%
CUI 2 2 0 100.000%
JD89 2 1 1 50.000%
酥山 2 1 1 50.000%
Alface 2 1 1 50.000%
Capt. Speirs 2 2 0 100.000%
sweetchino 2 0 2 0.000%
~SOK-St{o}cky~ 2 0 2 0.000%
きめぇ丸 2 1 1 50.000%
ranger 2 1 1 50.000%
Implacable 2 1 1 50.000%
Kale: Son of Lettuce 2 1 1 50.000%
DangerouslyDumb 2 0 2 0.000%
SSX 2 2 0 100.000%
HAL 9000 2 2 0 100.000%
2 0 2 0.000%
Pascha28 2 1 1 50.000%
Korto 2 1 1 50.000%
Jordon_S-aints 2 2 0 100.000%
Tomson 2 1 1 50.000%
[82AD] Janko 2 0 2 0.000%
Valieriumborn 2 2 0 100.000%
TheSphinx 2 2 0 100.000%
Lska 2 2 0 100.000%
RhysDevilx 2 1 1 50.000%
EpikSkillz 2 0 2 0.000%
メCrazy_Zaytsev 2 2 0 100.000%
=[TLKDC]=TheLizardKingDC 2 2 0 100.000%
Luce 2 1 1 50.000%
rowe_budd 2 2 0 100.000%
Yat Sen 2 1 1 50.000%
ARCHITECUTRE 2 1 1 50.000%
Crossea 2 1 1 50.000%
Cthuloid 2 2 0 100.000%
JShreddy 2 2 0 100.000%
♤☠ ҉ 新♌颖 ҉ ☠✠ 2 1 1 50.000%
็็็็็็็็็็ 2 0 2 0.000%
C.R575 2 2 0 100.000%
全图连3全图率60% 2 2 0 100.000%
Tea2theBag 2 1 1 50.000%
Rommels Zirkus 2 0 2 0.000%
Gunjob 2 1 1 50.000%
Tanzeel 2 1 1 50.000%
BUBBA_ACTUAL 2 1 1 50.000%
ArmouredTopHat 2 0 2 0.000% 2 2 0 100.000%
Guille1944 2 2 0 100.000%
Pwnbot 2 2 0 100.000%
FlatE 2 1 1 50.000%
Dante Alighieri 2 2 0 100.000%
hannibal 2 2 0 100.000%
stanleY 2 1 1 50.000%
Dr Jello 2 1 1 50.000%
sasokgo 2 2 0 100.000%
vins88 2 2 0 100.000%
Herogus3xD 2 2 0 100.000%
kingkendji99 2 0 2 0.000%
SAMonkey 2 2 0 100.000%
LootyLoots 2 2 0 100.000%
Garbage 2 0 2 0.000%
Skryme 2 1 1 50.000%
CrazyAlpha 2 0 2 0.000%
Why Not Yz 420 2 1 1 50.000%
Arschhaare 2 2 0 100.000%
Hummel 2 2 0 100.000%
J_Shizlet 2 1 1 50.000%
Hayesy 2 1 1 50.000%
Locöö 2 2 0 100.000%
BATTLEDANNY1 2 1 1 50.000%
xBLITZx10 2 2 0 100.000%
FocusFuelOrFaceMyWrath 2 2 0 100.000%
Dirkradix 2 0 2 0.000%
諾爾斯 2 2 0 100.000%
Remless 2 1 1 50.000%
Rhaegal 2 1 1 50.000%
JohnS 2 1 1 50.000%
Iron_Sarge69 2 1 1 50.000%
MR.DOGO-YT 2 2 0 100.000%
M1k3H4lt0n 2 2 0 100.000%
HURON 2 1 1 50.000%
Barry Chuckle 2 1 1 50.000%
srubert83 2 2 0 100.000%
SamRich 2 1 1 50.000%
DoMxNightM4rE 2 2 0 100.000%
IS2 2 2 0 100.000%
Rummel 2 1 1 50.000%
COHORT 2 0 2 0.000%
derank c[o]mpany 2 2 0 100.000%
PzDiv Viper ✠ 2 2 0 100.000%
infernoVenom 2 0 2 0.000%
KRebel 2 2 0 100.000%
Cyb/R 2 2 0 100.000%
Blaze Rembrandt 2 2 0 100.000%
Galaxygg 2 1 1 50.000%
Kajota 2 2 0 100.000%
可爱豆腐乳 2 1 1 50.000%
CRISPI Richard 2 2 0 100.000%
[QSA] Aerocrastic 2 2 0 100.000%
Blue 2 2 0 100.000%
Mansonfreakss 2 1 1 50.000%
dondidit 2 1 1 50.000%
Sredni Vashtar 2 1 1 50.000%
MeeeSHuGgaHH 2 1 1 50.000%
Dramatic Pony 2 1 1 50.000%
andcrew 2 0 2 0.000%
BorzoiWitcher 2 1 1 50.000%
leonidas 2 1 1 50.000%
KongKongMST 2 2 0 100.000%
Ray 2 2 0 100.000%
whoseyourdaddy 2 2 0 100.000%
KiwiS 2 2 0 100.000%
allthe_gundams 2 1 1 50.000%
Grubby丶M 2 2 0 100.000%
Mad 2 2 0 100.000%
RAGE against my machine 2 2 0 100.000%
Charley's 2 1 1 50.000%
Eilte 2 0 2 0.000%
HarrisonSearles 2 1 1 50.000%
갈새 2 1 1 50.000%
R19 2 2 0 100.000%
디카페인도좋아 2 1 1 50.000%
Glock 19 2 2 0 100.000%
12azzmatazz 2 0 2 0.000%
Leiarde 2 0 2 0.000%
不要在立flag 2 1 1 50.000%
Hoon 2 2 0 100.000%
量子的克兹 2 1 1 50.000%
No communist 2 1 1 50.000%
Ping Ping 2 1 1 50.000%
Beluga 2 2 0 100.000%
kxvhyjmy 2 1 1 50.000%
Scooby Jew 2 1 1 50.000%
平淡亦可。 2 2 0 100.000%
Powder 2 1 1 50.000%
Soviet Surprise 2 2 0 100.000%
ALEJO5500 2 2 0 100.000%
Torvaldus 2 0 2 0.000%
MajorMalfunction_ 2 2 0 100.000%
Joe™ 2 1 1 50.000%
NotQuiteAKing 2 1 1 50.000%
CAD4 2 2 0 100.000%
Destroyer 2 0 2 0.000%
dcarman251 2 2 0 100.000%
nateums 2 1 1 50.000%
krashbandicoot 2 0 2 0.000%
你欠我五毛钱 2 2 0 100.000%
快放我出去吃人 2 2 0 100.000%
전미협협회장 2 2 0 100.000%
100%eighty 2 2 0 100.000%
bibibi 2 2 0 100.000%
꾸삭 2 2 0 100.000%
小鱼@ 2 1 1 50.000%
. 2 1 1 50.000%
oldeenglishdry 2 2 0 100.000%
Geffery 2 2 0 100.000%
Donster 2 2 0 100.000%
󠀡󠀡 2 2 0 100.000%
Gaz 2 2 0 100.000%
hoon0783 2 2 0 100.000%
AudoBell 2 1 1 50.000%
MrMizchief 2 0 2 0.000%
Dirt on me 2 2 0 100.000%
Tim 2 1 1 50.000%
RAZZLE DAZZLE 2 0 2 0.000%
佐世保の時空 2 2 0 100.000%
Septimum 2 0 2 0.000%
tottcoys90 2 1 1 50.000%
TheKingOfGoats 2 1 1 50.000%
jianzi 2 2 0 100.000%
Minimizen 2 1 1 50.000%
Peeka Senpai 2 2 0 100.000%
SEX-IINSTRUCTOR 2 2 0 100.000%
AitorEdy 2 0 2 0.000%
NorthWestFresh 2 1 1 50.000%
Knight Artorias 2 2 0 100.000%
Dadical 2 1 1 50.000%
[FCI] Rowen Snirful 2 2 0 100.000%
殴打死胖子 2 2 0 100.000%
Pacc 2 2 0 100.000%
The World 2 1 1 50.000%
Duke 2 1 1 50.000%
koba (Monkey man) 2 1 1 50.000%
FOX 2 1 1 50.000%
rooster 2 1 1 50.000%
Desmond 2 1 1 50.000%
akik_ele 2 2 0 100.000%
A Sassy Badger 2 0 2 0.000%
낙지맛쿠키 2 2 0 100.000%
mrkkz 2 1 1 50.000%
SovietBuffalo 2 2 0 100.000%
Dickson 2 2 0 100.000%
Mantis Mantis 2 1 1 50.000%
Raynil 2 2 0 100.000%
trea 2 2 0 100.000%
Spøøkyム 2 1 1 50.000%
Arivior 2 2 0 100.000%
DaddyIssues 2 2 0 100.000%
ms0264807 2 2 0 100.000%
简八王牌阿祖莎 2 0 2 0.000%
RPZWolf 2 1 1 50.000%
Cockstar 2 1 1 50.000%
filakim 2 1 1 50.000%
Truck 2 1 1 50.000%
Ciaran 2 1 1 50.000%
Hold My Beer 2 2 0 100.000%
EMSO 2 1 1 50.000%
✠Kaiser✠ HansLanda✠ 2 0 2 0.000%
RupturedDuck 2 0 2 0.000%
Risky 2 2 0 100.000%
811163871 2 2 0 100.000%
xizi20 2 1 1 50.000%
Meister. Yoon 2 1 1 50.000%
HolyRedEye 2 2 0 100.000%
桥本有菜 2 2 0 100.000%
kimtah333 2 2 0 100.000%
隈井 2 2 0 100.000%
Cheeki Bяeeki 2 2 0 100.000%
皮皮 2 1 1 50.000%
郑凯文 2 2 0 100.000%
eorkf9 2 0 2 0.000%
sannnn 2 2 0 100.000%
gentle ben 2 2 0 100.000%
Shin 2 2 0 100.000%
[SPF] Artanis 2 1 1 50.000%
wula 2 2 0 100.000%
BravoTwoZer0 2 2 0 100.000%
Sy Ableman?! 2 1 1 50.000%
YoSleepy 2 0 2 0.000%
Contact Mike 2 2 0 100.000%
Samaniego 2 2 0 100.000%
Not Emily Willis™ 2 1 1 50.000%
Green Rain 2 1 1 50.000%
子清 2 1 1 50.000%
yiyi一IriS 2 0 2 0.000%
SkyBandits 2 1 1 50.000%
BieTaMaShuoYingYu 2 2 0 100.000%
Zoro 2 2 0 100.000%
Desert Fox 2 1 1 50.000%
YangXYZ 2 1 1 50.000%
AS R 2 1 1 50.000%
fuk white ppl 2 0 2 0.000%
AlexTheLie 2 1 1 50.000%
LicketySplit 2 1 1 50.000%