Profile for Begga

Head-to-Head Stats

Only opponents you've played against multiple times will show up here.
Opponent Played Wins Losses Ratio
Soud 6 4 2 66.667%
rettep_s 5 0 5 0.000%
JJB34 5 1 4 20.000%
ThatGuyLenny 5 1 4 20.000%
Azza 4 3 1 75.000%
LA 4 0 4 0.000%
LittleRocketMan 4 2 2 50.000%
Bar.Soap 4 3 1 75.000%
Zuntew 4 0 4 0.000%
Zerikotep 4 3 1 75.000%
Hetzer 3 3 0 100.000%
darkyBRO 3 0 3 0.000%
coldvortex 3 1 2 33.333%
cds700 3 0 3 0.000%
starcloud0428 3 3 0 100.000%
Aymes 3 3 0 100.000%
Cpt. Unicorn 3 1 2 33.333%
kluwejo 3 3 0 100.000%
bobysix 3 2 1 66.667%
Hellfish 3 3 0 100.000%
GoLdenCoBRaaa 3 2 1 66.667%
fary2 3 1 2 33.333%
Snorl 3 0 3 0.000%
waba-11 3 3 0 100.000%
sword_crusher 3 3 0 100.000%
shoopablaq 3 3 0 100.000%
Povke 3 2 1 66.667%
theinstrument 3 2 1 66.667%
Tiger 3 2 1 66.667%
Ratzer 3 1 2 33.333%
Dark♂DI天可汗 3 1 2 33.333%
|B|r|@|v|3|H|e|@|r|T| 3 0 3 0.000%
Njord 3 1 2 33.333%
CRAWLER 2 0 2 0.000%
Stacka 2 2 0 100.000%
VHSmonster 2 2 0 100.000%
Rahan 2 2 0 100.000%
ProXy 2 1 1 50.000%
Al33Bundy 2 2 0 100.000%
FloatingFranz 2 1 1 50.000%
Vioro 2 2 0 100.000%
CreamAbdulJBarr 2 2 0 100.000%
Solomonarul 2 2 0 100.000%
The Pheasant Plucker 2 0 2 0.000%
乔龙迪克 2 0 2 0.000%
GröFaZ 2 1 1 50.000%
evo088 2 0 2 0.000%
memes 2 2 0 100.000%
Baskervilles Blackdog 2 2 0 100.000%
Jaap Aap 2 0 2 0.000%
General Scales 2 2 0 100.000%
Brigadierbadge® 2 1 1 50.000%
Ziynnnnnn 2 1 1 50.000%
SHERDOR 2 1 1 50.000%
d5h912 2 2 0 100.000%
stediscus 2 2 0 100.000%
Jobar700 2 1 1 50.000%
Frankette 2 2 0 100.000%
ArseholeAntics 2 2 0 100.000%
Feldmaus 2 1 1 50.000%
Alex 2 2 0 100.000%
gl&hf! 2 1 1 50.000%
Eldaridas 2 1 1 50.000%
Utumano 2 1 1 50.000%
suitnskull 2 2 0 100.000%
鱼刺骨头 2 0 2 0.000%
偶捏该我什么都愿意做的 2 1 1 50.000%
Burgher 2 2 0 100.000%
フンッ!逃げるつもりかい!! 2 0 2 0.000%
Le Roi 2 1 1 50.000%
Kiribati 2 0 2 0.000%
Caravanseray 2 0 2 0.000%
Anhangá 2 0 2 0.000%
MuffinMan 2 1 1 50.000%
Devil 2 1 1 50.000%
Hanger 2 2 0 100.000%
darkkillerman 2 0 2 0.000%
Always Eager To Surf 2 2 0 100.000%
Doc 2 1 1 50.000%
Zero 2 2 0 100.000%
Mellankrigarn 2 2 0 100.000%
SS20132013 2 2 0 100.000%
TheMonkeyInChargeOfBananas 2 0 2 0.000%
Booyaka 2 2 0 100.000%
DebaKLe 2 0 2 0.000%
DALT11 2 1 1 50.000%
John Rambo 2 2 0 100.000%
50584sh 2 1 1 50.000%
ChaosDragon 2 0 2 0.000%
Pano_ramix 2 0 2 0.000%
Snoopy 2 1 1 50.000%
JINGER 2 0 2 0.000%
Speedbird 2 0 2 0.000%
TheNewTimeGamer 2 0 2 0.000%
MEDDLE+FEEN 2 2 0 100.000%
Bineto 2 0 2 0.000%
ErRo 2 1 1 50.000%
szakerqqq1 2 1 1 50.000%
Cpt. Colter Stevens 2 0 2 0.000%
Opti 2 1 1 50.000%
Suppomann 2 2 0 100.000%
Sejbr 2 1 1 50.000%
Koenig 2 0 2 0.000%
Dirk 2 2 0 100.000%
jamister911 2 1 1 50.000%
yanshi2910199 2 2 0 100.000%