Profile for Redneck

Latest Matches

Type Map Opponent Result
3v3 (6) The Gothic Line victory 18 days ago
3v3 (6) Montherme defeat 18 days ago
3v3 (6) The Gothic Line victory 18 days ago
4v4 (8) Black Gold victory 19 days ago
2v2 (4) Operation Eindhoven victory 23 days ago

Match Stats

  • Total Played 492
  • Total Tracked on cohdb 453
  • Lifetime Record 258 - 234
  • Ratio 52.439%

Latest Replays

Match 28590463 Unlisted
0 comments - Aug 15, 2024 - 26:06 - 1.7.2
Match 28589378 Unlisted
0 comments - Aug 15, 2024 - 16:06 - 1.7.2
Match 28368214 Unlisted
0 comments - Aug 11, 2024 - 18:48 - 1.7.2
Match 28367294 Unlisted
0 comments - Aug 11, 2024 - 09:00 - 1.7.2
Match 28366845 Unlisted
0 comments - Aug 11, 2024 - 05:09 - 1.7.2

Replay Stats

  • Replays Uploaded 128
  • Total Downloads 1243
  • Total Likes 0