Profile for StonedAssassin

Head-to-Head Stats

Only opponents you've played against multiple times will show up here.
Opponent Played Wins Losses Ratio
Mr. Meist 14 8 6 57.143%
Yeknod 10 4 6 40.000%
Fortune 9 2 7 22.222%
TURBO SLOTH 9 2 7 22.222%
MaXiS 8 5 3 62.500%
a_rotator 7 2 5 28.571%
ssume 7 2 5 28.571%
MarNissan 6 6 0 100.000%
Del 6 1 5 16.667%
Dave 6 4 2 66.667%
TestingWarHead 6 5 1 83.333%
Chank Bulkhead 6 2 4 33.333%
ACE_HESS 6 1 5 16.667%
TheMonkeyInChargeOfBananas 6 3 3 50.000%
marcmorn 6 3 3 50.000%
ChiefRedSkins 6 5 1 83.333%
Povke 6 2 4 33.333%
Fatal Thoughts 5 1 4 20.000%
Salis 5 4 1 80.000%
-AL- Nimahfrosch 5 0 5 0.000%
mrce 5 3 2 60.000%
能文能武 十分年轻 5 3 2 60.000%
BearFungus 5 5 0 100.000%
Hussarius® 5 4 1 80.000%
ChaBoi 5 3 2 60.000%
AndreiM2006 5 4 1 80.000%
tompkins 5 2 3 40.000%
Rolling9Deep 5 1 4 20.000%
Divine Fury 5 4 1 80.000%
SgtSlaughter 4 2 2 50.000%
tmass1g 4 0 4 0.000%
ši£ėñ±4²5 4 1 3 25.000%
It's my duty 4 3 1 75.000%
Goodvyn 4 2 2 50.000%
Ang1eton 4 2 2 50.000%
xbubalo 4 0 4 0.000%
GFM. Erwin Rommel 4 2 2 50.000%
Das Grunzen 4 1 3 25.000%
mariopl97 4 2 2 50.000%
Gwhit 4 3 1 75.000%
~TAB~ THUND3RCHUNKY 4 1 3 25.000%
SteelMan 4 3 1 75.000%
PAX AJAX 4 0 4 0.000%
崔小海 4 2 2 50.000%
Euan 4 2 2 50.000%
♥weiden~ orz 4 3 1 75.000%
Commander Z 4 2 2 50.000%
MC 4 2 2 50.000%
er1k 4 3 1 75.000%
BBWolf 4 1 3 25.000%
Clairvoyance 4 2 2 50.000%
wardog 4 1 3 25.000%
Hawk 4 2 2 50.000%
I Wumbo, You Wumbo 4 2 2 50.000%
Spades86 4 2 2 50.000%
Lord Raven 4 0 4 0.000%
Lizenz 4 0 4 0.000%
Jamin 4 1 3 25.000%
ocean 4 2 2 50.000%
GemesBong 4 1 3 25.000%
Cpt. Unicorn 4 2 2 50.000%
AllFillaNoScrilla 4 3 1 75.000%
T4dwarfman 4 3 1 75.000%
NERO 4 3 1 75.000%
ohmygod321 4 0 4 0.000%
TheWolf 4 2 2 50.000%
faunusflora 4 3 1 75.000%
Morsezeichen 4 2 2 50.000%
The_Jonny_Boy94 4 0 4 0.000%
Jesus Christ Loves You, Ask Him 4 2 2 50.000%
Cyb/R 4 3 1 75.000%
【POW】够得到的钟摆 4 2 2 50.000%
pooterin14 4 3 1 75.000%
WARWOLFMELF 3 1 2 33.333%
Lelano 3 0 3 0.000%
Booyaka 3 2 1 66.667%
ropicophop 3 3 0 100.000%
Low Expectation 3 1 2 33.333%
FoolishViceroy 3 1 2 33.333%
Akkerman 3 0 3 0.000%
A2O 3 0 3 0.000%
colinmeier50 3 1 2 33.333%
BreadMarshLivePlace 3 2 1 66.667%
김첨지 3 1 2 33.333%
incompetent Relic 3 1 2 33.333%
Kenan 3 2 1 66.667%
C. Troy 3 2 1 66.667%
Meat Weapon 3 2 1 66.667%
Phan 3 0 3 0.000%
ManBearPig 3 3 0 100.000%
BROKEN 3 1 2 33.333%
Testicular Chewing Goat 3 2 1 66.667%
SteveMcQueef 3 3 0 100.000%
GenObi 3 0 3 0.000%
MACS 3 2 1 66.667%
Belgian Luftwaffle 3 0 3 0.000%
Jenasaie 3 2 1 66.667%
REDACTED 3 2 1 66.667%
Azxc 3 1 2 33.333%
Maximus Jenius 3 0 3 0.000%
MrMisrulent 3 2 1 66.667%
Peacemaker 3 2 1 66.667%
Colonel0tto 3 1 2 33.333%
Strelok 3 2 1 66.667%
MR-HIFU 3 2 1 66.667%
drChengele 3 3 0 100.000%
Açucar Macabro 3 3 0 100.000%
[KSG] Blackwing 3 2 1 66.667%
friendly chinese general 3 2 1 66.667%
Samp 3 2 1 66.667%
aaa 3 2 1 66.667%
Saevo 3 1 2 33.333%
Wolf 0815 3 2 1 66.667%
PouK-ON #FrenchBanBan 3 2 1 66.667%
Hydra7-1 3 1 2 33.333%
memes 3 1 2 33.333%
KoRneY 3 3 0 100.000%
rocketpossum 3 3 0 100.000%
Dumbass 3 0 3 0.000%
Dekay 3 1 2 33.333%
Thiklitsa 3 1 2 33.333%
Boss Of This Gym 3 3 0 100.000%
USF Plz Build Ambu 3 1 2 33.333%
VndctL 3 3 0 100.000%
GeeNo 3 2 1 66.667%
Mintjack 3 0 3 0.000%
iExploze 3 2 1 66.667%
Büffel 3 2 1 66.667%
studmuffin-1 3 1 2 33.333%
denny870522 3 1 2 33.333%
- BANDINDIN. 3 3 0 100.000%
De_znutz 3 2 1 66.667%
BadmanLarry 3 1 2 33.333%
FeedMeHealthRelic 3 1 2 33.333%
^3 3 1 2 33.333%
rettep_s 3 0 3 0.000%
Kingcastle 3 3 0 100.000%
Skeng.Tecnica.International 3 1 2 33.333%
Philippine Marine 3 3 0 100.000%
HIMYNAMEISHO 3 0 3 0.000%
OperatorTSP 3 1 2 33.333%
darkcrow 3 1 2 33.333%
就是瞎掰 3 1 2 33.333%
KP [MST3K] 3 3 0 100.000%
StephennJF 3 1 2 33.333%
jdnebel 3 2 1 66.667%
ninjayas 3 1 2 33.333%
88jpmm 3 2 1 66.667%
汉武小帝 3 1 2 33.333%
Phillip II - Gorlami 3 1 2 33.333%
Teh_Masterer of Pwnage 3 0 3 0.000%
cds700 3 2 1 66.667%
johny247trace 3 1 2 33.333%
bhlh, member e41 3 2 1 66.667%
Sharkles 3 1 2 33.333%
lubi 3 1 2 33.333%
Hanzawilhelm Longbowman of Crécy 3 1 2 33.333%
plsbenice 3 2 1 66.667%
Vlady the Impaler 2 1 1 50.000%
Goliath 2 1 1 50.000%
Markov666 2 0 2 0.000%
TL 2 1 1 50.000%
Smokezound 2 1 1 50.000%
Mishi 2 2 0 100.000%
.:PSG:. RedxWings 2 0 2 0.000%
Hing-gi 2 1 1 50.000%
thegrandtheft 2 1 1 50.000%
BaconXL 2 1 1 50.000%
千石抚子 2 1 1 50.000%
whallo14 2 0 2 0.000%
Madkitty 2 2 0 100.000%
入台作战第一远征军 2 2 0 100.000%
peace 2 0 2 0.000%
Aerohank 2 0 2 0.000%
pineapple the fruit dude 2 0 2 0.000%
中國武漢肺炎 2 2 0 100.000%
Shito 2 1 1 50.000%
d5h912 2 2 0 100.000%
RandyRhoads101 2 2 0 100.000%
fubar 2 2 0 100.000%
Grom 2 2 0 100.000%
alcabrot 2 2 0 100.000%
Nick 2 2 0 100.000%
6717893 2 2 0 100.000%
BravoTwoZer0 2 0 2 0.000%
coldvortex 2 2 0 100.000%
FloofieDog 2 1 1 50.000%
MZMZ 2 2 0 100.000%
jiro 2 0 2 0.000%
Hu®®ama™ 2 1 1 50.000%
Witchking 2 2 0 100.000%
pensss 2 0 2 0.000%
FLOKL 2 0 2 0.000%
★Yolo_4_Ever★ 2 2 0 100.000%
j-dude117 2 2 0 100.000%
Soud 2 1 1 50.000%
nierenbrei 2 2 0 100.000%
patch me up 2 1 1 50.000%
DYHLORD 2 2 0 100.000%
LionMetrix 2 2 0 100.000%
HJT95 2 1 1 50.000%
mattw02823 2 1 1 50.000%
arturoche2329 2 1 1 50.000%
Top3Control 2 2 0 100.000%
severedhand 2 2 0 100.000%
no talking no bibi 2 0 2 0.000%
AI-Sleepy 2 1 1 50.000%
Iron torrent 2 2 0 100.000%
Felippe 2 0 2 0.000%
AirborneP51 2 1 1 50.000%
Offizier Metzger 2 1 1 50.000%
陈浩南 2 2 0 100.000%
Citromfa 2 2 0 100.000%
Hurricane 2 2 0 100.000%
Verdant 2 1 1 50.000%
artoria_p 2 1 1 50.000%
千径万山 2 2 0 100.000%
ThreekidsinaTrenchcoat 2 1 1 50.000%
Kyle 2 2 0 100.000%
daveh2k 2 2 0 100.000%
Watson 2 0 2 0.000%
Spartacus 2 2 0 100.000%
Esxile 2 0 2 0.000%
Danver 2 1 1 50.000%
JLODGE 2 1 1 50.000%
kappa 2 0 2 0.000%
Chad Kensington 2 1 1 50.000%
Jeiseun 2 1 1 50.000%
ryuklikesapples 2 1 1 50.000%
sw 2 2 0 100.000%
Bundy 2 1 1 50.000%
Qhunter 2 2 0 100.000%
lattouf 2 0 2 0.000%
United 2 1 1 50.000%
nub 2 0 2 0.000%
jimywins 2 1 1 50.000%
Muad'Dib 2 2 0 100.000%
Ghaell 2 0 2 0.000%
Ssezra 2 1 1 50.000%
Saueee 2 0 2 0.000%
Rather Splendid Cromwell 2 1 1 50.000%
Sunk Cost 2 0 2 0.000%
Mordja 2 2 0 100.000%
Gacyr 2 2 0 100.000%
Scooter 2 2 0 100.000%
FutureNP 2 0 2 0.000%
Strider_perc 2 2 0 100.000%
DavidKartveli 2 1 1 50.000%
Logan5 2 1 1 50.000%
dan legend 2 2 0 100.000%
beeron11 2 2 0 100.000%
Tuta 2 0 2 0.000%
RINZLER 2 2 0 100.000%
Kido 2 1 1 50.000%
KevinTDW 2 1 1 50.000%
RTK | I3 2 1 1 50.000%
Samson (MykillJackson) 2 0 2 0.000%
Sinverguenza 2 2 0 100.000%
Yee2K 2 2 0 100.000%
WebsterBolek 2 0 2 0.000%
ZOMBIEGIRL 2 1 1 50.000%
Nostalgi@ 2 0 2 0.000%
_ 2 1 1 50.000%
Cular13 2 1 1 50.000%
-NSO-Stugots 2 2 0 100.000%
EndylCN 2 1 1 50.000%
Khornate General 2 1 1 50.000%
TheSlothInChargeOfEconomy 2 0 2 0.000%
mongman 2 2 0 100.000%
Generick 2 2 0 100.000%
40yrsolddad 2 2 0 100.000%
FamousAverage 2 1 1 50.000%
CallSignStrider 2 1 1 50.000%
Xiaya 2 0 2 0.000%
ARMY guy 2 0 2 0.000%
XBoundTTV 2 2 0 100.000%
Hearts&Minds 2 2 0 100.000%
kamacura 2 0 2 0.000%
WayTooTicklish 2 1 1 50.000%
Crichton Leprechaun 2 1 1 50.000%
Stickywa 2 0 2 0.000%
桂妮薇尔 2 0 2 0.000%
Molloch 2 1 1 50.000%
gas940 2 1 1 50.000%
Ares 2 0 2 0.000%
乌拉 2 0 2 0.000%
Killervirus 2 2 0 100.000%
ConcernedApe 2 1 1 50.000%
MasterStef 2 1 1 50.000%
50584sh 2 2 0 100.000%
Steiner BG 2 0 2 0.000%
donna is my maker 2 2 0 100.000%
StarDriver 2 2 0 100.000%
MysteryRanch79 2 1 1 50.000%
Atonement 2 1 1 50.000%
scp 343 2 2 0 100.000%
DaMerkKid 2 1 1 50.000%
Fat Nanny 2 0 2 0.000%
Professionals Only 2 1 1 50.000%
✠HerrKlingtGut✠ 2 2 0 100.000%
i_did_NAT_hit_her 2 1 1 50.000%
stevomcmuffinman 2 1 1 50.000%
scarab_of_west_bay 2 2 0 100.000%
XuMan. 2 0 2 0.000%
SIMONK 2 2 0 100.000%
麥尬武村 2 2 0 100.000%
Sahelanthropus 2 1 1 50.000%
Krieghound 2 2 0 100.000%
Dullahan 2 0 2 0.000%
spaceisfun 2 1 1 50.000%
我真的不是驴 2 1 1 50.000%
Deliri0us 2 0 2 0.000%
Reculus 2 1 1 50.000%
donkeypunter 2 2 0 100.000%
烧花鸭烧雏鸡儿烧子鹅 2 2 0 100.000%
RunningFatKids 2 1 1 50.000%
Cool Whhip 2 1 1 50.000%
pchealey 2 1 1 50.000%
Sher 2 2 0 100.000%
Mr.TtoYou 2 1 1 50.000%
WordBearers[Borgore] 2 1 1 50.000%
BONES 2 1 1 50.000%
KrigerKris 2 2 0 100.000%
K. Ronaldo 2 1 1 50.000%
piwawsky 2 0 2 0.000%
DeeplyGoo 2 2 0 100.000%
崩溃覆盖 2 2 0 100.000%
Novacaine 2 0 2 0.000%
Blue Dragon 2 1 1 50.000%
Window Shopping 2 0 2 0.000%
CAN'T DODGE THE RODGE 2 1 1 50.000%
LuckySpark 2 1 1 50.000%
Bego 2 0 2 0.000%
Marauder 2 0 2 0.000%
Papace 2 1 1 50.000%
Dramatic Pony 2 1 1 50.000%
iKills 2 1 1 50.000%
MrPalmer 2 0 2 0.000%
BorzoiWitcher 2 2 0 100.000%
Warashes 2 0 2 0.000%
Psychotron 2 2 0 100.000%
Tai Sau 2 0 2 0.000%
ToxicGrenadier 2 0 2 0.000%
Serene Smile 2 1 1 50.000%
SSS 2 2 0 100.000%
this profile name wasn't taken 2 1 1 50.000%
OverlordCZ 2 2 0 100.000%
미움 증오 2 2 0 100.000%
只愛❤毛妹 2 1 1 50.000%
AI-Noob 2 1 1 50.000%
taoyangchen 2 1 1 50.000%
Zuntew 2 0 2 0.000%
nob talk too much 2 0 2 0.000%
deez 2 2 0 100.000%
Altair 2 0 2 0.000%
7UziTotingMonkeys 2 2 0 100.000%
Tea 2 1 1 50.000%
indu 2 2 0 100.000%
Vosi-K 2 1 1 50.000%
Sturm Arrogant 2 2 0 100.000%
Dumais 2 0 2 0.000%
Kanper 2 2 0 100.000%
Freydal 2 2 0 100.000%
Quetzalcoatl 2 1 1 50.000%
秦𝖕𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖝 2 2 0 100.000%
Wind 2 1 1 50.000%
oldeenglishdry 2 1 1 50.000%
carltonscott 2 2 0 100.000%
AcrossThePacific 2 1 1 50.000%
WeakTendon 2 2 0 100.000%
CrazyEight1994 2 2 0 100.000%
marcinlab 2 1 1 50.000%
RC40D 2 2 0 100.000%
chronno 2 2 0 100.000%
tottcoys90 2 1 1 50.000%
Game-Go 2 1 1 50.000%
☭SOVIET CORE☭ 2 1 1 50.000%
๖ۣۜF1re 2 1 1 50.000%
Tango 2 1 1 50.000%