Profile for Nubbl0r

Head-to-Head Stats

Only opponents you've played against multiple times will show up here.
Opponent Played Wins Losses Ratio
Apollo 9 5 4 55.556%
on był drugi w kulach 6 2 4 33.333%
thegrandtheft 5 1 4 20.000%
xanto 5 3 2 60.000%
LeGrillePain 5 4 1 80.000%
Cyb/R 5 1 4 20.000%
Ashoka 5 3 2 60.000%
BigCupOfTea 4 2 2 50.000%
Mako 4 3 1 75.000%
Flower 4 3 1 75.000%
17Arri 4 1 3 25.000%
7k this year for sure 4 2 2 50.000%
TURBO SLOTH 4 1 3 25.000%
Magister Militium 4 4 0 100.000%
MxCarnage!! 4 3 1 75.000%
Bezukhov 4 1 3 25.000%
birdhouse 3 2 1 66.667%
DPJ_realy 3 0 3 0.000%
Papercut_GR 3 0 3 0.000%
coldvortex 3 3 0 100.000%
david 3 2 1 66.667%
N4Z 3 1 2 33.333%
Brother 3 1 2 33.333%
๖ۣinGODweTrustۜ 3 1 2 33.333%
$kaffa soldier 3 2 1 66.667%
MJ 3 1 2 33.333%
Kayl 3 1 2 33.333%
Captain Slackbladder 3 2 1 66.667%
Fist full of love 3 2 1 66.667%
wardog 3 0 3 0.000%
MiaKhalifa 3 2 1 66.667%
ZerGer 3 2 1 66.667%
barti06 3 2 1 66.667%
Taton 3 1 2 33.333%
Eurelia 3 1 2 33.333%
SUPACAUSAL 3 2 1 66.667%
SteelMan 3 0 3 0.000%
tede00 3 2 1 66.667%
Nick 3 3 0 100.000%
Invincible_Irish 3 1 2 33.333%
Fizzysaucers 3 0 3 0.000%
RedArmyZ 3 1 2 33.333%
Hellfish 3 1 2 33.333%
Brigadierbadge® 3 0 3 0.000%
Wintermute 3 2 1 66.667%
Nu_Ohm 3 2 1 66.667%
Civil 2 2 0 100.000%
tanne455 2 1 1 50.000%
Boss Of This Gym 2 0 2 0.000%
maneats2live 2 1 1 50.000%
Homer Simpson's Coffin 2 2 0 100.000%
KernalWolf 2 1 1 50.000%
fabisaN 2 0 2 0.000%
Him. 2 1 1 50.000%
pycholon 2 1 1 50.000%
Spikey115 2 1 1 50.000%
Corolla Driver 2 1 1 50.000%
acn322 2 1 1 50.000%
KP [MST3K] 2 1 1 50.000%
Charles_XII 2 1 1 50.000%
Tweezy 2 2 0 100.000%
lukebn 2 0 2 0.000%
Wind 2 0 2 0.000%
Sarmynation 2 1 1 50.000%
Groooooo 2 2 0 100.000%
fubar 2 0 2 0.000%
ArcherElven 2 1 1 50.000%
Mick 2 2 0 100.000%
Mr Jango 2 1 1 50.000%
CommanderCrow 2 1 1 50.000%
Kanin 2 1 1 50.000%
Dennis 2 1 1 50.000%
The Mask 2 0 2 0.000%
Ackermann 2 1 1 50.000%
ReliantX 2 1 1 50.000%
Deathmatch 2 2 0 100.000%
gtmike 2 2 0 100.000%
88jpmm 2 1 1 50.000%
adstz 2 2 0 100.000%
ragsword 2 1 1 50.000%
r.sKLz Duk3 2 1 1 50.000%
SALADIN 2 1 1 50.000%
AC_Andrea NP 2 0 2 0.000%
DarkRun 2 1 1 50.000%
imaginary forces 2 0 2 0.000%
achpawel 2 1 1 50.000%
Baddentist 2 1 1 50.000%
Karzet 2 1 1 50.000%
سَۨفُـيٰانۨوٰس 2 1 1 50.000%
FloatingFranz 2 0 2 0.000%
MuZilla1992 2 0 2 0.000%
Mr. Purple 2 1 1 50.000%
Bademester 2 1 1 50.000%
Snooky 2 1 1 50.000%
Epouvente 2 1 1 50.000%
literofcola 2 0 2 0.000%
J.B 2 2 0 100.000%
spoon 2 0 2 0.000%
Eli 2 2 0 100.000%
Tamburello 2 1 1 50.000%
Slimey1 2 1 1 50.000%
TechBee 2 1 1 50.000%
(502) Bad Gateway 2 0 2 0.000%
aSIIAmsterdam 2 0 2 0.000%
jamister911 2 1 1 50.000%
ZiggyBig 2 2 0 100.000%
Antagonist 2 0 2 0.000%
Le Sharkbird 2 0 2 0.000%
alicebruton 2 2 0 100.000%
{Eliote Le Pilote} 2 2 0 100.000%
NUFC JW 2 1 1 50.000%
Lisi4ka_Ghost 2 1 1 50.000%
F4lcon 2 0 2 0.000%
SlayerY 2 1 1 50.000%
SS20132013 2 2 0 100.000%
Shrewkowski 2 1 1 50.000%