Profile for aSIIDemolitionHammer

Map Stats

Map Played Wins Losses Ratio
(4) Pachino Farmlands 653 466 187 71.363%
(4) Campbell's Convoy 496 352 144 70.968%
(4) Aere Perennius 415 324 91 78.072%
(4) Torrente 414 314 100 75.845%
(4) Day 101 260 192 68 73.846%
(4) Operation Eindhoven 210 138 72 65.714%
(4) Elst Outskirts 199 132 67 66.332%
(6) L'Aquila 100 86 14 86.000%
(6) Gazala Landing Ground 94 87 7 92.553%
(6) Mignano Summit 63 59 4 93.651%
(6) Benghazi 59 47 12 79.661%
(8) Winter Line 42 41 1 97.619%
(8) Sousse Wetlands 39 37 2 94.872%
(8) Mignano Gap 29 28 1 96.552%
primosole_4p 28 19 9 67.857%
(8) Monte Cavo 22 21 1 95.455%
(6) The Gothic Line 8 7 1 87.500%
santuario_4p 5 5 0 100.000%
(8) Black Gold 5 4 1 80.000%
(6) Montherme 5 5 0 100.000%
longstop_hill_6p 5 4 1 80.000%
(8) Oasis Depot 3 3 0 100.000%
(2) Road to Tunis 2 0 2 0.000%
(8) Steppes 2 2 0 100.000%
halfa_8p 2 2 0 100.000%
rapido_river_8p 1 1 0 100.000%