Profile for wila

Map Stats

Map Played Wins Losses Ratio
(8) Sousse Wetlands 43 35 8 81.395%
(6) L'Aquila 42 24 18 57.143%
(8) Winter Line 39 21 18 53.846%
(8) Oasis Depot 38 25 13 65.789%
(8) Mignano Gap 37 24 13 64.865%
(8) Steppes 36 14 22 38.889%
(8) Monte Cavo 36 20 16 55.556%
(8) Black Gold 35 26 9 74.286%
(6) The Gothic Line 34 23 11 67.647%
(6) Gazala Landing Ground 34 21 13 61.765%
(6) Benghazi 32 21 11 65.625%
(6) Mignano Summit 22 15 7 68.182%
halfa_8p 16 12 4 75.000%
rapido_river_8p 12 8 4 66.667%
(6) Montherme 10 7 3 70.000%
(2) Twin Beaches 7 2 5 28.571%
test range 5 0 5 0.000%
longstop_hill_6p 2 1 1 50.000%
railway of al marah 1 0 1 0.000%
ruins_lane_scenario 1 0 1 0.000%
(2) Villa Fiore 1 1 0 100.000%
(2) Gardens 1 0 1 0.000%
(2) Crossroads 1 0 1 0.000%