Profile for Phan

Map Stats

Map Played Wins Losses Ratio
(8) Winter Line 210 140 70 66.667%
(6) L'Aquila 169 128 41 75.740%
(6) Gazala Landing Ground 158 124 34 78.481%
(8) Mignano Gap 157 115 42 73.248%
(8) Monte Cavo 153 93 60 60.784%
(8) Steppes 122 92 30 75.410%
(6) Mignano Summit 119 83 36 69.748%
(6) The Gothic Line 117 84 33 71.795%
(8) Sousse Wetlands 108 73 35 67.593%
(8) Black Gold 104 73 31 70.192%
(8) Oasis Depot 94 67 27 71.277%
halfa_8p 87 66 21 75.862%
(4) Operation Eindhoven 68 50 18 73.529%
(4) Pachino Farmlands 61 41 20 67.213%
(4) Campbell's Convoy 59 46 13 77.966%
(4) Elst Outskirts 58 39 19 67.241%
longstop_hill_6p 47 36 11 76.596%
(4) Day 101 44 32 12 72.727%
(4) Torrente 38 22 16 57.895%
(6) Benghazi 38 27 11 71.053%
crossing_in_the_woods_4p 29 15 14 51.724%
(6) Montherme 26 18 8 69.231%
rapido_river_8p 22 14 8 63.636%
santuario_4p 14 11 3 78.571%
(4) Aere Perennius 14 9 5 64.286%
primosole_4p 8 6 2 75.000%
(2) Twin Beaches 7 7 0 100.000%
(2) Road to Tunis 6 6 0 100.000%
(2) Villa Fiore 5 3 2 60.000%
(2) Taranto Coastline 5 5 0 100.000%
(2) Pachino Stalemate 3 3 0 100.000%
(6) operation husky 3 2 1 66.667%
(2) Pachino Stalemate 2 1 1 50.000%
twin beaches - extended 4v4 2 0 2 0.000%
(2) Semois 1 0 1 0.000%
(6) Sangro River Crossing 1 1 0 100.000%
achelous_river 1 0 1 0.000%
(2) Gardens 1 1 0 100.000%
(2) Faymonville 1 1 0 100.000%
ruins_lane_scenario 1 1 0 100.000%