DAK Only Vehicle Build - No Panzergrenadiers Only 2x PzPio

Match 13048071
Colonel Klink:

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NorthWeapon [U] about 1 year ago

A really enjoyable vehicle-main build for DAK:

  • Kradshutzen
  • 250/9 Combat Halftrack (3-5 of them), some of them came with PJs
  • Mortar Halftrack (2)
  • Carrot Tomato (3)
  • Marder (1)
  • Pak 38 (2)
  • Stolen ATG (1)
  • MGs (2)
  • Recon Traktor (2)
  • 8 rad (1)
  • Panzerpioneers (2)

Reached pop cap at the end floated over a thousand fuel and manpower though. If I lost all my vehicles I could just call in a Tiger and spam Panzer IIIs