He tried abuse so hard but still didnt win :(

Match 12768192
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Herr Blautier [U] about 1 year ago

@Deadghost, when something is OP and people use it to get an unfair advantage, this is a cleare abuse indeed :P didnt you know that? Building 7 royal engeneers with flamethrowers for 220 MP each, which are equally strong as mp 40 grens for 260 MP and then call in 5 Crusader AAs, yep thats one of the most obvious abuses I have ever seen I guess. You really defend that? Lol "c'mon man. Stop trying to defend the meta abusers" Your comment is pathetic...

DanielD about 1 year ago

Calling "abuse" just because your opponent played a strong, meta strategy... c'mon man. Stop trying to police the meta.