Reakly mad 8 min game
Match 22395324
Construct Barracks
Riflemen Squad
Selects Advanced Infantry Battlegroup
Riflemen Squad
Construct Weapon Support Center
Mechanized Support Center
Selects Convert to Ranger Squad
Convert to Ranger Squad
M16 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage
Engineer Squad
Construct Medical Station
M3 75 mm Gun Motor Carriage
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11 months ago
He certainly seems to suffer when he cannot bring the full force of his CQC infantry to bear. It's unfortunate his engineer bugs out in the central mosque, he could have saved it though. When the retreat cancels itself because the unit is stuck, you have to get back into the mosque, get out of the other side and then retreat. He might have been able to do this if he wasn't tilted. Game of life was a strange comment.