good game for sure

Match 31498299

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IIGaryII 12 days ago

Hello Rei, and Zulu !!! Thanks you for this exchange. I’m really not attracted to the DAK. In my opinion, they are even worse and more complicated to use than the WM, without Italian Bersaglieri. But I was curious to see the match up UKF-DAK, and Rei's vision about it. So ... let's go !! And look tactics and strategies !! ... First, the "early game" surprised me. Both armies make a long time to arrive on "TTK" and theses both Build Order also surprised me !! ... ... Second, DAK Side, the frontline's plan is the PzGrenadier. But ... "no motocyle", Huh !!?? "Standard" frontline DAK is clearly less powered than UKF. Without "combined vehicles buffs" and "View", Rei gonna move carefully !! Rei worried by Dingo's issue ?... ...Third, UKF Side now. Zulu <=> inflexible strategist !! Zulu gonna develop his frontline regardless of his opponent. But it will also cause his downfall. Traditionnal MG's Zulu brings anything here (automatic poor number DAK's Frontline, because of PzGrenadier cost and built timer, or light vehicle options). And Australian has been added, to face PzGrenadier... Huh !? => No combined infantry strategies in the Zulu's mind (UKF Riflemen, protected by Royal Engineer). Too bad, Zulu missed the opportunity to stifle DAK immediatly, and Zulu will suffer on the front line during all this game... ... Fourth, So Rei stays alive to open the "middle game", in a "good" situation. And "Surprises Time" did not finish :) !!... ...5h, DAK Side, Now Rei reveals his plan => Defensive, tactical, positions !! IG 18, PaK 38, and Halftrack 250 v3 replace motocycle. Rei have not the talent of Theodosios for this style. But the main thing is successful => Units must stay "bound". Message for Rei => to make better, vehicle need more managment to deliver always "buff" and a MG34 is required. Fortunatly for you, here, the UKF frontline was weaker than the true potential. But you are already really "well". ... ... UKF Side, Zulu decides to work "blind" => No Dingo, No Humber, No Snipers. The T3 and Stuart come too fast. That cut his "Manpower" and That impoverishes his frontline a little more. Zulu does not understand his opponent's style, and his army does not allow to see the "traps" => Stuart falls down very quiclky. At this time, Zulu's game does not "feel good". DAK artiellery delivers damages. But, Zulu have nothing to respond (no artiellery, no support vehicles) => "no additionnals middle game damages" => the balance of power will be unbalanced and the DAK will take the "map control" and "win" the "middle game"!! ... ...7th, "Late Game" on the clock. UKF Side, Zulu is not on Top of the rank for nothing. His "instinct" shows him => He feels he need to solve the IG18 problems, quickly. This is the real "moment" of the game. Zulu search the "easy" way => the "Bishop". Aïe aïe aïe !! That will be his main critical mistake. Bishop crush his fuel and delay his late game "timing". Worse, his cooldown is like "infinity" (45s), his ballistic velocity is poor, and "Shoot sound" make him predictable. Too easy, for Rei's level, to avoid that. On CoH series, specially in 1v1, you MUST solve the "frontline" problems, before thinking to the support problem => This is the subtil strategic mistake of Zulu, here !! ... ...8th, DAK Side, Rei feels him "better and better". Now, Rei knows UKF Bishop is here, after a Stuart's issue. I know exactly what he thinks => I have all my time for a Tiger !!! Strong, Powered, easier to "buff" my frontline infantry ... ...9th, Tiger is on the field, and Rei have all cards in his hands. So Zulu calls Archer and build ATGun 6pounder too. But Zulu have not all "good" cards for a "late game". The frontline problems are not solved. And Zulu continue with "Australian infantries" => 1 of 3 Anti-Tank options missed for Zulu, Australian have not AT Grenade. So the Tiger cannot be "stuck" => 0% Chance to solve this problem for Zulu... ...So "GG WP" for Rei, solid, but he can be stronger (Moto ? MG34 ? better infantry buff issues by vehicle !) !! Zulu, the philosophy "inflexible strategist" can make you predictable and can generate difficult situations, early. Strategically, the "wait and see" philosophy is often a better way on CoH. The "early game" is there to install his front line, and understand his opponent. Then, only, the support units and destabilization strategies come during the "middle game" !!! Thanks you thanks you guys for this sympathic game and see you on the next fights ;) !!