Reakly vs Theodosios

Match 31380398

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IIGaryII 12 days ago

Hello Reakly, and Theodosios !!! Thanks you thanks you for this exchange => Theodosios's game stays always a sweet candy !! A great game for cast, and a "must have looked" for all CoH players !! Well look for tactics and strategies !!! ... First, Reakly (WM Side) meets Theodosios (US Side). Reakly is, actually, one of best players of CoH3, with a modern style. But, Theodosios <=> "Experienced Legend"... ...Second, I just want to make a "pause" on this player. When you are front of Theodosios, Do not put you any question. This guy is simply better than you, on everything => multitasks, managment of combined army, managment of "frontline and map control", tactical fight's issues, strategies, managment of the "game" on the time, knowledges of CoH, feeling, instinct etc... !! If Theodosios is a little bit trained, you will need to make a perfect and long game to hope "win". Tricks and Traps will not be efficient, because Theodosios stays always on the "right way" , in the "good timing"... ...Third, We have 2 opposites style here. Reakly has the philosophy of his contemporaries => Pushing deeper on the field when he can, Trying to use tactical's issues, or "all in", or "short cuts" Build Orders to create a gap !! Theodosios have a different philosophy and he begins his game with the mind of "a runner of an Ironman". Theodosios focus two things => First, he makes a build order to reach all tactical keys needed to give an anwser and solve everything possibles issues. And Second, The main target of Theodosios will stay theses Victory Points. Theodosios <=> Defensive, Tactical, Position !!!... ...Fourth, sometimes, inside my analyses, i glide the following idea => If you want maximize your "win" chance on CoH, you must not jump steps. "Use all in" only allowed if you have created a gap where the opponent cannot respond. This "game" shows exactly "why" !! Reakly makes " early game standards" + "part of T3" + "Faster T4 medium Tanks + Crush tries + Lost Keys pieces". Theodosios makes "early game standards" + "Full T2 options in the right timing" + "Pay attention on perfect combined army positions" + "Patient, Scout, Responses" + "...nothing because Reakly loose before following issues"... So, "GG WP" for Theodosios, who wins like an unbeatable "Jedy" !! Reakly, like a "young crazy dog", took a lesson and gained experiences. Reakly, my friend, i have a message for you => Take all time needed to look again the replay of this game. Theodosios shows you exactly all generals and subtils things about CoH. But the most important stay the "strategic" philosophy => What, When, Why, How i make to be able on the perfect "right way" !!! Thank you guys, again, for this game that teaches so much !!! ;)