Screw this balance top 10 2v2 player spamming 6 men bazooka ranger

Match 21548137
(4) Pachino Farmlands
Arashenstein (Rank 309)
IronCross (Rank 82)

Angrycat (Rank 69)
幽默德棍 (Rank 7)
Uploaded By
Apr 11, 2024
Uploaded At

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Arashenstein [U] 11 months ago

We had these guys completely base pinned both fuels on our hand both ammos on our hand in the middle until the 6 men ranger squads with 6 bazookas come, how is that even possible I dunno, I hardly get one bazooka on my rangers when I play them. Brits late game is completely unplayable against, the Grants are anti everything, too much armour and too cheap to replace, base arty for all doctrines + extremely powerful late game infantry and tanks and 17 pdr.

Moving bazookas shoudl not be a default feature, just make it like COH1, 4 men thompson and 2 bazookas maximum with Vet 1 being able to let them fire on the move, this is insane.

Washington Irving 11 months ago

I didn't see any bazooka ranger spam. If he was spamming bazooka rangers, then you were spamming Ostwinds and Brumbars ;)