Reakly vs Havoc

Match 30489194
(2) Taranto Coastline
Reakly (Rank 3)

Havoc (Rank 6)
Uploaded By
Sep 20, 2024
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Kimbo 28 days ago

I just shit myself watching that replay

IIGaryII 28 days ago

Hey Reakly, and thanks you for this exchange. Well, it was a really really "high skilled" game, on the both side. So, thanks you, Reakly and Havoc, to show that !! The "game" was short, but, in fact, the victory played on "details". Look for tactics and strategies. ... First, Reakly begin this game with the "classic" US infantry plan on the "early game". "Good feeling", "well units positions", "good focused aera" on this map. That's a really good job... ... Second, Havoc choose another way, out of the better WM meta => The "support unit" plan. A MG42 come soon to protect the Grenadiers, when Pioneers used to capture and scoot. The plan is "pretty well" managed. "No winner on this "Early Game". Both player stay alive and get pleasure on the fights ... ... Third. Howewer, Havoc could better => Flamethrower on Pioneer has been forgotten, and Havoc stayed "stuck" on the "North" when the "fuel way" was "open". So Havoc missed an option to take an advantage ... ... Fourth, "The Tarento Trap". Resources and VP are spotted on the "North". But this aera can also be a "danger". Because, when you move deeper on the opponent side, you risk an "unsafe back up". 9 min on the clock, Havoc "will pay the price" ... ... 5th, that is not all. Another things gonna push Havoc on the "defeat" way. Indeed, Havoc choose T3 plan (Stummel and PaK40) while Reakly choose also T3 plan (Greyhound). But, on "the moment game", T3 veteran come too late to allow "neutralize Stummel shell". And PaK40 "poor mobility" avoid a "vehicle cover" on a large front. When Havoc NEED to say "NO" on the Greyhound action, he have not the "good tools" on the "well timing"... ... 6h, Face to "Reakly", Havoc pay immediatly the "bills". Crushed by everywhere, WM soldier go to fall down. Havoc give "his maximum" ... But it is "too hard" (multitask) and Havoc forget to build his PzGrenadier to protect the frontline and stop "Reakly aggressive movements" ... ... To resume, the game choose the "winner" on little details. There are four things to remember about this game. One, use Pioneer with Grenanier, like a couple, is a better option (more versatile to manage the fight and the map). Second, a Flamethrower is required if "house" can stuck your offensive for a too long time. Third, on an equal game, it seems the "Stummel + T3 Veteran + PaK40" option, to block the allied vehicle, arrive too late, and that need a prudent retreat to prevent a "car crash" issue. And finally, Four, remember that => When the game is "hard" and when you are on your "multitask limits", do not forget to continue to build and use your resources !! <=