WM LufftWaffe Doctrine Way (for DrSpread_Ur_Cheeks and others WM))

Match 29621602
(2) Villa Fiore
IIGaryII (Rank 326)

yunusG35 (Rank 216)
Uploaded By
Sep 5, 2024
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IIGaryII [U] 4 months ago

Hello Guys, and thanks you YunusG35 for this pretty good game ! I send this replay for DrSpread and others WM player who try the WM Lufftwaffe Doctrine. I maked some miss, and mistake on this game. But the "way" is here and the good result come. 2 Parts => Build Order in this message (Final maximal pop), Tactics and Strategies on the reply... ... Early game : Pioneer (or KettenKrad) + T1 + MG* + Grenadier + Grenadier + T1 Vet + FsPioneer (upgrade LG15) + T3 + FsPioneer (upgrade LG15 when you can) ... ... Middle Game : PaK40** + FsJager + T3 Vet + FsJager + T4... ... Late Game : Panzer IV + PaK40 *** + Panzer IV**** + T4 all upgrades... ... o* MG42 choice depending of the map => First one only to take position in a house. If not, MG42 (or another support choice => Mortar, sniper) come after the both Grenadiers... ... o** PaK40 must be build. But the timing can depending of the issues after the "Early Game" (Poor opponent fuel income can delay this, and PaK40 can be build later)... ... o*** A second PaK40 can be needed, in replacement of a Pioneer losen. Here too, depending of the game's issues... ... o**** Panzer IV is the better choice, to maintain a good number of canon (Anti Vehicles/Tanks). But, sometimes, always depending of game's issues, a Brummbar can be a better choice (Poor opponent fuel income, or opponent like too many infantries units, or opponent use too many "Manpower" to have a good "late game timing")...

IIGaryII [U] 4 months ago

Now, look for Tactics and Strategies. Before beginning, on this replay, i have missed the second LG15, PaK40 built (prevent, because of good level opponent during the fight), I loose (stupidly) my first FsJager, and a Grenadier later. I am "pretty" sleeping on my "late game timing" (could be better to call the Panzer IV). ...First, i prefer delay my Doctrine choice, specially vs UKF. Lufftwaffe Doctrine is a worth choice if UKF opponent choose a frontline with only australian unit (too heavy DPS during the time vs WM Infantry, no AT Grenade fail, => Tank Doc, replace FsPioneers by Grenadiers, "8 Rad" before or after the PaK40, FsJagers replaced by Stobtruppens, with T4 soon, and no T3 vet). in addition, if you choose later the Doc, Allied can think you have taken Tank Doc, and "8 Rad" in your mind => So he could not make T1, T2, T4 with too many infantries frontlines ... and he could prefer a short frontline infantry with T1, T3, T4, Or T1, T2, T4, in keeping Manpower for Bazooka Teams or Ammos for Boys, and not more and more Infantry. ... Second, FsPioneer come after the Grenadiers. Why ? Well, FsPioneer can arrive with "vet" (give auto heals and +10% !? harder to aim him) and LG15 weapons (<=> +1 DPS soldier => +25% DPS and much efficient vs scoot vehicle). So the FsPioneer is much stronger, and he does not need to manage the frontline alone (too poor Hp for that). Battle issue is done. So Paradroop can be an advantage (reinforcing the frontline faster, or forces split on opponent back door points). Free detector can be use on the potential minefield. Stachel Charge can trap house, or "right click close combat and forget" move of opponent allied (very good example in this replay => 2 Royals Engineers smoked => The "game" is here) => More pressure for the opponent, who need to stay focus when a FsPioneer is "here" ... and cannot see others traps or movements on the map !! ... ... T3 + PaK40 + Grenadier/FsJager (PanzerFaust) => This is the minimum to prevent vehicles action and punish front and flank attack of vehicle. Carefull, FsPioneer have NOT Panzerfaust. But they can put mines... ... FsJager is your elite troop and can be paradroop too. But "Carefull" !! FsJager have a poor life (Hp) and a poor DPS Grenades, he cannot work alone. In addition, FsJager is a Jager => Hidden on covers, special 7s buff on engagment (<=> DPS of Stobtruppen in this short time) => that can surprise your opponent, who sees him too late, and he have auto heals with the first veteran too, like FsPioneer ... ... Panzer IV come on the final issue. 1 Canon + 3 MG => He crush the infantry and give mobility manoeuvers. But "Carefull" !! Alone, Panzer IV can be easely (and quickly) neutralize by allied opponent on the "late game" => Panzer IV, never alone, always used with combined actions of your army (support, flanks, solve problems faster).

‡ WoodenHedgehog ‡ 4 months ago

Hi Gary thanks for your replays. I watch every your replay and I like that you give a detailed description of your actions. I play Wehrmacht too and I learn a lot from you :)

IIGaryII [U] 4 months ago

Thanks for your message, you re welcome ;) !! I would have liked to show a better game than this one. I made much better, but none recent that shows a good "AT timing option". Often I make the difference very early, during the "early game". So, I don’t show the right time for T3 + PaK40, because I don’t need it. And, it can mislead the player who sees it. I preferred to show a game where I did not play well, but with the "good timing"... In this game, I mishandled my "frontline" several times (spacing between front line units, bad timing in the position). I was lucky that my opponent also made mistakes (2 Royal Engineers fall down on stachel charge, UKF Frontline’s unit out of cover => Heavy soldiers loses). Against an even stronger player, I would have lost by playing as badly.

‡ WoodenHedgehog ‡ 4 months ago

I've seen your mistakes. It's easy to watch from sidelines and say what you could have done better but during a match it's much more difficult. Yesterday I won a game against a player who is 200 ELO better than me. And I made some terrible stupid mistakes too, especially when I realized the match was going in my favor. I was lucky that my opponent didn't take advantage of that :)