High rank 2 vs 2

Match 29678809

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Heartless Jäger [U] 5 months ago

In this game you will see some excellent Team Play by both Teams, Flanks, coordinated attacks ec. ec.

In the early game the Allies tried to double Team the DAK but due to the MG 42 it was halted and assault Grens started to push Forward securing the middle. The Allies then quickly doubled the Wehrmacht and regaind the Center of the Map and then the Stuards slowly came on the field and pushed the Axis back, but by the time 5 Stuards were on the field the Axis had a P3 on the field and a P4 which was enought to knock out some Stuards, meanwhile the USF went for a Howi which started the Arty War and the F Company made the life of the Axis harder. While the Axis got a Nebel and a Cannone to counter the Howi.

The British went for many Matildas with Overrepair that screamed for an 88mm Gun.

The Tiger hit the field but 5 Matildas and slowly some Grants joining the fun with AT gun support. It was clear that will be a very hard fight.

Who Comes out on Top?

Have fun watching