8 min complete victory vs top 10 for DAK - Reakly playstyle

Match 29636267
(2) Pachino Stalemate
Reakly (Rank 3)

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Sep 3, 2024
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IIGaryII 4 months ago

Hey Reakly, and thanks you for this exchange ! Reakly rejoices for his victory in 8min :D . And he invites METEOR HAMMER to come back to the school of strategy !! Look for tactics and strategy, now ! A Top10 ranked game ... of course, it is not necessary to talk about the skill (mechanics). Both player are very good on CoH3... On the "early game", frontline's UKF are better than frontline's DaK... But, This is the DaK who win the "early game" on this example. Why is it possible ??? Well ... METEOR_HAMMER fails on the strategy. At CoH3, the main goal of the early game can summarize on 2 things => build a frontline and reach the "good timing" Anti-Tank option with "half fuel map". METEOR HAMMER failed on these 2 points. Mains Fuel of Pachino are on the center. Perfect on the strategy, Reakly create and use a frontline's units on the "coast to coast main base". In the same time, METEOR HAMMER fear this line AND split his army on the both flank AND build a "support unit" (mortar) before the standard numbers frontline's unit. The DaK cannot have a MG34 on the early game (unique on CoH3). So the mortar is here ... for nothing. Reakly reach the main fuel of his opponent while METEOR HAMMER continue to split his army. Reakly see that and he ridiculise the north part. 6min on the clock, Reakly understand the complete "map control" failure of METEOR HAMMER and the consequences => Huge delayed "timing" AT option. So, Immediatly, Reakly forget the T2 upgrade and rush his T3 vehicles => The perfect choice, because METEOR HAMMER cannot have the counter. 1, 2, 3 8 Rad surround the UKF frontline, without defences => "GG WP" for Reakly... 20/20 on strategy ... METEOR HAMMER 3/20 on strategy (think about Boys, 1 of 7 strategic point reached only). I am very surprised by a Top10 player who miss so many strategic point and so worth choices, so early. :0 ... The punishment is equal to the mistakes !!