RERUND POWER!!!! 3Stuarts->3Guards 3Grant VS ATs and 6 8RAD! gg

Match 28982962

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Fredsch about 1 month ago

Great game, just casted it. Gonna put it on youtube probably tomorrow :)

IIGaryII about 1 month ago

Hello Jokren, and thanks you for this exchange !! "Great game" ... You say it a little bit faster, in the joy of victory !! Both players play "well", just 2 mistakes on both side !! We stay "human". But "Rad" had already loose before begin the game ... And What's happen on the gameplay's CoH3 ??? I think it’s good that this game is seen by a maximum of players, and the Relic Devs too. So, look for tactics !! First Rad "mistake", he forgot to ban this map before playing in WM. Why ? Because, when an "well skilled" allied player (UKF or US) decide to use the strategy plan what we see on the replay ... WM player have 0% chance to reach the victory (not 30%, not 20%, not 10%, ... just 0%). So Rad is a brave player. But courage is not enough. The second mistake come when he choose a "sniper" as 4th unit T1. Rad ignore Twin Beaches extra +10 Fuel. So, a Humber can arrive at 4min, in same time. So Sniper choice is a big mistake because he can die immediatly. Fortunatly for Rad, Jokren is "all in" Stuart, coming 1 min later ... So the sniper can stay alive and work ... 1min. Jokren, like each player, want and love win. "Twin Beaches" vs WM, the opportunity is too good. He prepares his "all in vehicle/light Tank" perfectly... to crush the WM idiot who dares play this map. But ... that is not work alone. We can only eraze the WM when we know where he’s hiding. The both lone mistakes of Jokren come in the same time. Jokren loose his unique Royal Engineer, and Jokren does not choose "commander scout ability" on his Stuart. Consequences, Jokren can eradicate Rad at 7-8min, but he have not the view to "catch" him, without fall down in the trap "Pak40 + 8 Rad". The time flies, more PaK40+8 Rad come, and Jokren loose the fast win option. But it’s okay... the balance between UKF and WM side is so out of balance, that the UKF can recycle a bad choice (or bad game) to use another. Jokren know Guards unit have "no ennemies" (except MG42). But, on Twin Beaches, WM side need so many ATGun to stay alive ... Several key units are necessarily missing. Specially when UKF show a "all in vehicles", WM let MG42 sleeps. WM fast Tank options ? No, just NO !!! The First Panzer IV died so quiclky when UKF have 3 Stuarts ... So, by obligation, Rad ends with the classic "PaK40 + 8 Rad" (x3). Howewer, with the switch Guard (x3) ... 8 Rad begin useless ... And PaK40 is here, for nothing. The map control stay on the Jokren's pocket. With the "excellent call" of Jokren's Guard, the game was "over" for WM's Rad. Rad could not win the fight, and the time play for Jokren (UKF Tanks will come) while Rad is blocked (all his poor fuel income is on "8 Rad). No choice to stay alive, Rad must stay on 1 VP position only, to stay alive. Grenadier loose vs everything (specially Guards ...) and they cannot be upgrade with a good trade manpower, Sniper cannot beat 3 Guards, Mechanized frontline 8 Rad vehicles are counter by Bazooka, switch on Panzer IV cost too many time (and the fuel is on 8 Rad) ... And Panzer IV, and Brummbar, crushed by Guards, So ... the Game is just "over". Jokren build Tanks (Grants), a good choice (because Manpower needed for more Guards, reinforcements, is not viable). Rad, probably frustated since the beginning of the game, and the fact 'stay on one position' needed, he miss the "well position" combined army !! Without WM's Rad MG42, Jokren finally found the fault => Flank to eliminate PaK40 ... too easy ! The unbalanced armies are at the heart of the gameplay of CoH series. But it shouldn’t make games play like this ... It should not allow a player who fails with an "all in" to be able to create a winning switch so easily. It should not force one side (WM) to win so fast so early, without the required power, the complete control of resources to break/keep far away tacticals impasses. And, it should not lead players to be forced to ban map choices for strategic reasons... So, i am happy for your victory on this game, Jokren. But, a very good player, like you, must win automatically, with the allied side, on this map, actually !! ... In others hands, Relic Devs need to rework the balance of each side, pay attention on the technology timing, and pay attention of map's consequences!!

Jokren [U] about 1 month ago

I just realized that I have the second highest win rate on this map (btw the highest is Pachino Farmlands). I had a significant advantage in the early stages, so I tried a left and right swaying gameplay, not a very skilled and serious playing.

IIGaryII about 1 month ago

I have a "huge delta win rate" too, on 1v1 map. I play only in WM. And ... Pachino, Taranto, Semois, I reach more of 70% actually ... When i forget Road to Tunis and Twin Beaches (~ 36%). My better abilities is "the strategy" and "the tacticals fight", and my fails come from a "random concentration" and creating too many "multitasks". On Semois, i have an huge advantage, because it was a very special strategic map, already on CoH2, and i did not forget the key points. For Pachino and Taranto, my allied opponent are forced to fight immediatly vs me, no fear possible to reach resources and VP. So my "tacticals fights" abilities also give me some advantages if the player is under 1400 ELO. But ... in others hands, Faymonville and Villa Fiore offers a very large frontline ... where it is very difficult to regroup the allied army and prevent vehicles "all in" options. So mines success become "random" and i tried many options to break income allied fuel early... When i miss, i cannot use a "full options" T1 (Sniper, Mortar) which allow all tacticals options to retake VP position, and enough quickly all VP position. Necessary, many ATGun PaK40 are needed in replacement and i hope an allied mistake rush insine my combined army... So i can manage my destiny on Semois, Pachino, and Taranto, and my defeat can come only on my mistakes. While i just try to stay alive, too often, on Faymonville and Villa Fiore, where my victory come from opponent mistakes only.