
Match 28979706
Pioneer Squad
Selects Italian Coastal Battlegroup
Selects Coastal Reserves
Coastal Reserve
Coastal Reserve
Construct Infanterie Kompanie
MG 42 Machine Gun Team
Construct Luftwaffe Kompanie
Flak 30 Anti-aircraft Gun Team
Jäger Squad
Selects Support Bunkers
Luftwaffe Officer Quarters
Selects Artillery Officer
Medical Bunker
Support Elements
Marder III M Tank Destroyer
Wirbelwind Flakpanzer
Artillery Officer
Selects Coastal Wall
Wirbelwind Flakpanzer
Wirbelwind Flakpanzer
Selects Designated Artillery Overwatch
Selects Bulwark
Repair Bunker
Medical Bunker
Marder III M Tank Destroyer
Designated Artillery Overwatch
Pioneer Squad
Designated Artillery Overwatch
Marder III M Tank Destroyer
Designated Artillery Overwatch
Artillery Officer
∞ rad

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Orangepest [U] 5 months ago

Top 15 player btw

IIGaryII 5 months ago

Hello Orange pest and Thanks you for this exchange ! This is an interesting game !! "Rad" lose, because he had not enough "experience" and because he is a "Top player" on CoH3 ... "lol", exactly !! Indeed, "Rad" does not understand what's happen, when he see the first "Tank Bunker". This is "exactly" the same problem for WM player ... vs "US Mortar Pit" => the aera control. If you let's the opponent create "forbidden aera" for a type of unit (infantry, or Vehicule), the defense of this aera go to be "easy", and "successed". For all players, you NEVER let opponent create that and you must react immediatly. US ATGun 57mm was the key to blow the first ATGun Bunker on the front, or a couple of Greyhound by a large flank bypass, without cover. "Rad" did not do that ... And like all Top player, "Rad" preserves its units when they take a shoot (immediatly rear movement). So, the natural frontline fight go to advance for "Orange pest" and retreat for "Rad", enough to let VP on "OrangePest aera control". With 3 VP, the punishment is fast (60 tickets per minute), the reaction time is short, and the opponent quickly increases in number, making the situation insoluble, especially for a Top player => "gg" OrangePest... But carefull, you cannot win 2 games vs a good strategic opponent like that, and you can loose the first game vs a very exprienced player, excellent in strategy.