5 AT VS 6 8RAD gg

Match 28709075
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Zuntew about 1 month ago

try crusaders AA vs it, works nicely vs 8rads and can safely focus down WM AT guns, ofc probably first 2 humbers to be able to stale and poke vs early 8rads, I yet need to see how it work in high enough games.

Jokren [U] about 1 month ago

Great idea, I can give it a try

IIGaryII about 1 month ago

Good tips, Zuntew. "8 Rad" (x2) cannot do something vs AA Crusader, because "8 Rad" cannot perce the AA Crusader. The fuel cost is the same, so delayed end game tank is the same for both side => no consequences. WM also go to a trouble situation. AA Crusader come after the "8 Rad" (4 CP <=> 3 CP ; 10-12min <=> 7-9 min). So, often, WM can have 2 "8 Rad" while the first AA Crusader can come. But, AA Crusader is an unsolved choice for the WM => WM forces to let the field for a few minutes and search 2 PaK40, or Marder, or StuG, or Panzer IV, or Panther. AA crusader can save a fail early and middle game UKF. But, in other hand, that delay end game Tank UKF for 3min => So UKF go to face medium or heavy WM end game Tank.