fallpio enjoyer

Match 28549869
(2) Faymonville
Stana (Rank 22)

oziligath (Rank 23)
truest IIGaryII of them ALL
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Aug 14, 2024
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IIGaryII about 2 months ago

Salut Oziligath et merci pour ce partage ;) !! I go to write following things in english, because it may interest other players. So, WM Lufftwaffe Doctrine... In 1v1, that is a very risky business, only for expert and experienced player !! For the beginning, before explain the strategy philosophy, the weaknesses you need to keep in your mind... Fallshirm <=> poor life (FsPio -100hp than Grenadier ; FsJager <=> -100 hp than PzGrenadier and Jager) => alone unit are not allowed to travel on fight, or trapped out of cover. FsPio <=> No Panzerfaust. FsJager <=> No Grenade power. LG40 or FallShirmJager to begin the middle game, but never the both. LG40 <=> no efficient vs Tank (very poor chance to pierce the front armor, medium chance on flank ; -40 hp damage than PaK40). LG40 <=> no efficient vs infantry, except when infantry is in garrison (house, pit)... So many weaknesses on the important facts and timing strategy. So FallShirm go to the garbage ... Maybe not !! If you can be subtil on the strategy => you can reach the victory like following things. With the powered Lufftwaffe Doctrine, you can decide where you want install your game (resources points). The main philosophy is => Delay opponent normal fuel delivery by 4 min (vs UKF), 3min (vs US). You need to success the challenge to call a Marder, or a StuG, in same time allied can build their vehicules (if not, only, you can call LG40 on rescue to stay alive). For sure, i reconize, it is a challenge. But, really not impossible !! ... The BO : FsPioneer + Pioneer + FsPioneer + Pio Flamethrower upgrade +T1 + Grenadier + Pio Flamethrower upgrade + Grenadier + Vet 1 + Commander Point + FsJager + FsJager + T3 (or T2) + T3-T2 Vet (or upgraded vehicule first, depending of your fuel dominance) + StuG (or Marder) + T3-T2 Vet (if not success before) + MG + etc... Final count is 2 Pioneers + 2 FsPioneers + 2 Grenadiers + 2 FsJager + 2 Supports (MG ; Mortar ; Snipers) + 3 StuG (or 4 Marders)... ... ... Now, look for tactics ! Main goal => you need to take the control or maintain neutral +10 Fuel point (or +5 (x2)) side opponent during 4min on the 6 first minute game. When they work together, the couple of Pioneer-FsPioneer is better than every opponent single unit, and can keep this advantage with the upgrade Flamethrower on the Pioneer. Use that to take position on the opponent fuel point, and keep your side (2 teams). As you need to stay strong between minute 2 and minute 6, Use your both Grenadier to reinforcing the hot/strong Fights (Heal/Give soldiers, Pio and FsPio have better life and bettre efficiency). The maps are big in 1v1, some rascal can have take and reach flanks ... FsJager, with Grenadier comes to punish the isolated units violently => No resources go to fall into the opponent pocket. At time, now you arrive at 9-10 minutes on the clock, with only +13 fuel (during 4 minutes on early game), all allied can build a vehicule. You have 4 Panzerfausts on the field, use the blocked side view to trap !! You have 4 engineers, use Mines on every good cross way during the 9 first minutes, when you have time to do this. 9 minutes, you aslo prepare the surprise, the switch on medium tank protection (StuG or Marder). StuG is a bulldog (good front armor, too strong for Humber, Stuart, Greyhound and Chaffee) with a moderate cost. Marder is the better WM ATGun (huge percing abilities, very good range, precision and damage on first shoot with fixation and vet1) for a low cost and low count limited population point !! Marder is also the alone "Tank" who have very good chance to percing a "Churchill Black Prince". After 6-7 min on the game, it is not necessary to continue to forces fuel side point of your opponent. The strategic situation pain is here !! Allied cannot succeed a "middle game vehicule strategy" before you, and the "late game tank" cannot come before you accumulate you StuG and Marder. So, at 7 minutes, left the opponent Fuel point field (if that become too "hot" and retreat on VP points, and your side resources). After 10 minutes, Medium tank and MG come to reinforcing the field. So you can counter everythings infantry or arty or Vehicule (or Tank later) strategy... To summarize, you have reach a very strong frontline infantry before tank (Very good Manpower income efficiency), you have all tools to reach VP point, defend, while you make damages. You can switch T2 <=> T3 later if you needed for a very low cost (150 Manpower ; 50-40 Fuel) to use nebelweffer or Wirbelwind. And your opponent has been surprise => Strong early game, Strong middle game ... usually the weakness of the WM !! Now, CAREFULL !! It is a strategy for expert player. You need to choice appropriately the aera you go to play first on early. You need to succeed the fight (how move, how defend, how attack, never fail, where put mines, where trap, etc...).

IIGaryII about 2 months ago

If you fail early on opponent fuel, Replace FsJager by a couple of LG40 and MG. But you hope your opponent "commit" inside before "late game" ... This is the main reason why ... Lufftwafe is "risky", only for the expert and dominate player !!