It really is about time relic did sth about this guy

Match 28461033

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∞ rad [U] about 2 months ago

been playing only wehr for so long that i forgot about this guy. good to have u back on the chat bro.

IIGaryII about 2 months ago

Sometime, you cross the "trash talker" road. Through disrespectful and painful messages, there is a real danger. This can make you lose self-control, make bad decisions, but also disrupt your focus on the decisive moments. "He writes something dirty, timed just before making his tactical attack move"... ... But in fact, it’s a weapon that could turn you against your opponent. First, fall down into your bubble mind. You never read any message, NEVER => Just play, just focus, just do. Why is it a strategic weapon that you can use? The more he writes, the less he plays. Generally, this type of player has a big defect => the absence of "self-control" + Bad strategic decisions. When I meet this type of player, I challenge him on the "multitask" to enter in his mind. I alternate "snowball effect", "split effect"! Efficiency is not always the goal. I want to create more pressure. The goal is his mind "crack". You get the information when he starts to insult you ("bip" ... "bip" ... "bip" ... on chat). At this point in the game, you can be 100% sure that he will focus only on the key unit that bothers him most, and forget about everything else. If he can’t reach it, you add one. If he can counter it quickly, you build and swith on "the counter of the counter" => You win ... and you sign "less talk, more play!!" : D ... Everytime you meet the same guy again, you increase your mind advantage, and you become "a wall" for him ! Either he understands the lesson and evolves. Or he will remain anonymous. This is the last part of a "master" in strategy => manipulate the opponent mind !! The "young player" is still a "padawan". The "father" is a "Jedy" and he knows how to win with experience and panache... as long as time has not yet done its work. :)