PAX vs USAx3

Match 28452597
(2) Villa Fiore
USA USA USA (Rank 20)

PAX AJAX (Rank 26)
Uploaded By
Aug 13, 2024
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IIGaryII about 2 months ago

Hey PAX AJAX, and thanks you for this exchange !! USA USA USA end message makes me laugh :D ... He falls down into your trap, PAX AJAX. Pretty sure, Sherman Easy 8 is much much better than Panzer IV. But, if a "Command Panzer IV" added ... => Panzer IV +20% Armor +20% rate of fire => BattleTank PanzerIV - Sherman "Easy 8" became balance !! And Panzer IV became dangerous for the infantries units. Too much confident, USA USA USA does not understand and neglect the ATGun 57m support (placement, number)... For you PAX AJAX. Well +2 Pioneers => a "ballsy" choice, specially if Flamethrower is not the plan. Of Course, you get resources faster, you can get a split opponent army (maybe..., random things). But the first engagments go to fail, specially if MG42 come late. MP40 disappoints me. That prevent "suicide move" but first engagment unit is lower (long range weakness) and defensive engagment (undercover) can be break by US Grenade power. For you "middle game", you are on the "relic way" + Good Analysis of the situation (BAR showed before 7min... => forces T3 US vehicules later => PaK can be delayed). But ... US Player can choice a fast T3 vehicule, and make 2, or more. On this situation, you can pay "+2 pioneer" before, and a poor number of Grenadiers (PanzerFaust). Indeed, Stummel can stop just 1 vehicule for the PaK40 action ... So Grenadiers needed around. For the late game, i want to finsih by a question. What's happen ... if you make StuG choice in replacement of Panzer IV choice ??? ... For 1 Panzer IV, you can have 2 StuG, and 3rd StuG (and others) can come quickly than Panzer IV. So Mobile Canon of 1 Panzer IV is it better than 2 StuG fixed canon and very stronger armor buffed by PanzerIV commander (if you accord ammo for roog MG is not a problem) ???