4x humber

Match 28364593
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IIGaryII about 2 months ago

Hello Zuntew ! And thanks you for this exchange !! I would like to react on this game, because it shows the whole problem of balance of the Humber (comes too early, too effective, not expensive enough to build). The strategy used by Zuntew with UKF ("all in" Humber) is mostly used in low and intermediate level games. I found a way to avoid the problem. However, it took me so long to figure out how to fix this imbalance. And the result is very frustrating for 5 reasons in the match up UKF - WM (1v1) to prevent this cheat strategy rotting WM games... First one reason, the map choice, you can forget Twin Beaches (1 extra fuel +10, 2 free fuel +10 too close of UKF main base), Road to Tunis (2 center sides fuel +10 too far), and Villa Fiore would be a very difficult game (+18 Fuel point free for UKF). Be clear. You cannot prevent the UKF player from making a humber. However, it must not be able to manufacture them on a chain. He should not be able to make them faster than you can destroy, because the WM has no "middle game" unit that allows you to destroy several humbers. Also, the range, sight, speed, and power of the Humber chases and slaughters your army. Therefore, before or at 4-5 minutes of the game, the WM has the obligation to bring the income Fuel UKF down to +13 for 2-3 minutes. This is the reason why the 2 maps (mentioned above) are unplayable, and the 3rd one is difficult... Second one reason, the "Early Game" BO needed absolutely => Kettenkrad + MG + Grenadier (x2) + Flamethrower upgrade Pioneer + Grenadier + Vet1 T1 + Grenadier + T3 + PaK40 + 8 Rad call (Tank Doc)... Third reason, you have not the choice of units and build order, No sniper (Dingo risk ...), no mortar (too poor efficiency, too long time to make action with), no T2 (many reasons, just look the replay of this game to understand)... Fourth reason, you have not the Doctrine choice !! Tank Doc, for the "8 Rad". Why ? Because you cannot have a "middle game" in T2-T3 which can resist, chase and destroy the first Humber (coming at 6min on the field) in the good time (7-8min). Wirbelwind (9-10 min), Marder (8-9 min), StuG (10-11min), 221 <=> car crash (fixed 41 canon, need to pay and too longer upgrade, too long to aim, too fragile), Stummel <=> very difficult (fixed canon, too poor rate of fire, indirect fire, too fragile)... Fifth reason, the map and fight tactics. Unfortunatly, you have no choice. One each map, you need to follow the same way (specific on each map) and you need to win yours fights. If you go wrong, like DaPopeCOH in this game, one fuel point UKF side is not neutralize and the HumberS pains will come ... totally out of WM control. On my second post (reply), i will explain the main line.

IIGaryII about 2 months ago

So, now look for tactics (except Semois, special BO) !! Free Pioneer move on a side to take the point, or open the MG way (depending of the main fuel point map, too far, or not). Free Pioneer need Flamethrower upgrade. WM infantry is lower than UKF infantry. So yours Grenadiers need help (MG). But, the engagment of the fight can be bad (UKF undercover, or inside houses), so Flamethrower (DPS life quickly, ignore cover) can break the imbalance and allow your talent to express itself. KettenKrad (not a second Pioneer) capture fast the point and allow to reach quickly Flamethrower upgrade, and allow too Vet 1 T1 AND T3 in the good timing. The order to take point is very important on Villa Fiore, Tarente, and Faymonville. Because, in the good timing, your kettenKrad arrive close to middle front line. Use special ability view (+35m) to understand where/what is UKF unit in same time to capture ... to use your main army to intercept and win the first fight. You need to prevent ... the traveller suicide player who take your side. Now, you have "safe" your side and force "back up" of opponent. It is the time to pick up opponent's fuel side. Again, take the view to understand opponent defense, and the right move to crush him and take an advantage fight with the KettenKrad. You also can risk to take a deep point, to force a split opponent army, but carefull ... it is a risk, opponent can put mines to prevent that !! Fortunatly, if he do that, you loose your KettenKrad, but you are pretty sure he do not have a Flamethrower on the Royal Engineer, or it would be difficult to have Boys to counter the "8 Rad". After that, you have reach the plan (Fuel opponent side) with 1 Pioneer Flame + 1 KettenKrad + 1 MG + 4 Grenadier + T3. But, your victories are for a very short time. The Humber, practically free for UKF, is under construction. Do not sleep at this time. Normally, you have make enough fight to call the "8 Rad" or it is very close to do it. Build your PaK40. Regroup your army, because alone unit go to fall down on Humber action. MG need to found a house, very very important, because, with T1 Vet 1, MG can use ability (Percing weapons, can percing the Humber). Of course, Grenadiers, and Pioneer, stay close. You can use blocking side view to hope a trap with PanzerFaust. If the location is bad => lets your victories points resources and Leave, do not wait to be violated by the Humber ... unnecessary. You go to come back, grouped, with PaK40 in the shadow of your front line, and the "8 Rad". Normally, at this time, UKF in the trouble. Fight losen, poor "map control" => He go to make like you. Get out of his main base with all his army, and move risky with the Humber to make the decision. But, you (WM) have all you need. Grenadiers Panzerfaust can break the engine and block the humber. PaK40 DPS 3/4 of the life's Humber. "8 Rad" can engage the Humber if he occupied to shoot another unit, and you can chase to finish him if you maintain the front armor to face him... The win is for you, if you play well !! For a main reason. The Humber strategy has a weakness for UKF. He need the "garage" to make it (300 Manpower + 55 Fuel). The concession is "300 Manpower" <=> -1 unit than you. So, at this time, if you kill the humber, your unit account will be higher (+2). If the UKF do not understand the situation and if he want continue to fight, you have "MORE". So you can defend 2 side way VP, when UKF just can fight on 1 side way VP. So, if you continue your good job in the fight, you have a really big advantage for tickets. I want just finish with that. Pay attention, if you miss yours fights, if the Humber stay alive, if your opponent have too much fuel, he can add more Humbers. And 2 Humbers win everything on your army (include the "8 Rad"). Well ... All that prevent "all in" Humber Strategy incoming. But the concession is very hard. You need to play on ONE way only to be sure to have a good chance to win. Too bad, CoH3 was made to offer differents ways to reach a winner game. But, in facts, it is not the case on the match up UKF - WM 1vs1, and not on the all maps too... :(