Reakly vs lattouf

Match 28298379
(2) Faymonville
lattouf (Rank 17)

Reakly (Rank 6)
Uploaded By
Aug 10, 2024
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IIGaryII about 1 month ago

Hello Reakly. Thanks you for this exchange !! Well, Reakly, this is a perfect game, always undercontrol. I had doubts about the choice of Bren so early (maybe wait for Boys <=> 8 Rad opponent possible). But Guards come quiclky, so ... well done mate !! On Lattouf side, some mistakes appears quickly ... KettenKrad is a good choice, but ... vs UKF, it can fall down very quickly. First mistake (critical) come. Kettenkrad need to pay attention vs UKF, and you need it to take informations (ability +35 view) to play in right way. Second mistake ... On Faymonville, you need MG42 first and choose the closest house way first ... for all your units. You block immediatly this side fuel, your kettenkrad go to show if opponent have split on this side, you can immediatly intercept this unit and you make it clear to the opponent that he must not come to play on this side !! If you do not that, like Reakly showed it in this game, opponent unit take all the flank, and finish on your closed fuel point, creating a really poor income fuel early, and an army who travel on the middle of this map (where you have no resources, only a way point and central VP. So subtil tactic mistake => Big consequences. Third mistake, a short T1 WM. Of course, we know PzGrenadier abilities and the confort brought. But ... if you make it too early, you immediatly pay it with a poor map control (and poor tickets + poor resources, early). The reason ... is pretty simple to understand. When you make PzGrenadier, you make also T3 => 490 Manpower. But, in the same time Grenadier (x2) cost 520 Manpower ... the same cost, but you have better DPS, better possibility in the fight, better control on the battlefield (1 more unit), and +2 Unit with PanzerFaust, when Humber go to arrive, and when you NEED to prevent a possible "all in" Humber in taking opponent UKF Fuel. So, PzGrenadier early => Bad way ! For sure, i reconize : it is subtil tactic... Fourth mistake, "8 Rad"+PaK40, that is "ok" and probably the alone "good way" on the match up UKF - WM. But, that does not work alone, Lattouf ! Lattouf has neglected the managment's quality of a combined army. So many time, so many units of lattouf's WM army go to travel on the flank without cover. Against a level player of Reakly, it is "over" !!! To finish, a "very good point" for Lattouf, he have not forget "Commander ability" of the "8 Rad" to help PaK40 !! But, that was not enough... And the fuel missed to build a Panther at the right time. So, a serious game of both player. But Lattouf need to make better on many details to make a 50-50 game vs Reakly.

Reakly [U] about 1 month ago

Thanks buddy, love your tips!