Construct Weapon Support Center
Selects Special Operations Battlegroup
Selects M29 Weasel with M1 Pack Howitzer
Mechanized Support Center
M29 Weasel with M1 Pack Howitzer
Construct Medical Station
M3 Armored Personnel Carrier
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifles
Designate Forward Repair Station
Selects P-47 Anti-Infantry Loiter
P-47 Anti-Infantry Loiter
Selects UNKNOWN (2162291)
Selects SSF Commando Squad
P-47 Anti-Infantry Loiter
Designate Forward Repair Station
Selects Assault Operation
M4A1(76) Sherman Medium Tank
Improved M9 Bazooka Rockets
P-47 Anti-Infantry Loiter
M4A1(76) Sherman Medium Tank
P-47 Anti-Infantry Loiter