PAX vs. OrangePest round 2

Match 27101879
(2) Road to Tunis
Orangepest (Rank 5)

PAX AJAX (Rank 11)
Uploaded By
Jul 22, 2024
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IIGaryII about 2 months ago

I think the Coastal Reserve has become a problem. The penalty for accuracy in movement is 75%, while for any other unit it is only 50%. Since the new patch, this poses a problem in "early game". To have a favorable outcome in combat, he needed 3 Coastal Reserve, to do the work of 2 Grenadiers. Like Road to Tunis is a 3-Front map, where all the others have only one or two. It makes sense that OrangePest could never work anywhere else than in front of its base, because it used technology too early. But, can we blame him ... How to hope to counter vehicles without the use of technology. So Coastal Reserve, wrong choice on Road to Tunis.