Kodak vs rei

Match 26868426

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IIGaryII 3 months ago

Thank you for this exchange, Reakly! The game is interesting. Rei, US Army, shows everything you can’t do during the "early game". Waesel + Engineer?? ... Neither of these two units can oppose a Grenadier under cover. US Engineer is not useful in "early game" and the Waesel makes sense, but only if US player has seen a motorcycle WM. Rei, with these two expenses, took the risk of ending up at 2v1 on the first fight. Also, the US scout does not work with the US Fusilier. The US Fusilier is trapped, out of cover, and loses its hp. Rei started the game by making all the mistakes it is possible to make, and pays it immediately on the map control. Then, small in number, Rei continues to travel his units, out of cover, and maintains their units "split". As a result, the situation continues to deteriorate. WM MG42 => Rei does not respond with mortar, yet very useful against fixed combat and the cover of an MG42. The situation is really not good. Yet, Rei persists and spends the captain (used ungrouped) and the T3 (-1 unit). Rei chooses, by default, the Greyhound, thinking that he will solve his problems. But with the new patch, good players keep their unit covered. Finally, Rei, no health barracks. The strength of the US Fusilier is their hp! But if you use them out of cover, and you don’t treat them and you don’t use them together ... it doesn’t work!! Finally, the "8 Rad" appears. Rei does not spend the upgrade grenades. Too bad, one of the 2 "8 Rad" would have been destroyed. To make matters worse, Rei sends his ATGun, in "right click" mode on the front line of the fights, without taking information with his US Fusilier and the US Scout. Trapped, Rei gives up. Allied players will have a hard time with this new patch. From now on, it is necessary to be strong in game tactics among the Allies, and not only among the Germans. For Reakly, I think spending +15 Fuel on T1 vet is a better expense than T0 care, with your strategy. Grenadiers are more efficient, and heal. MG take a better hp immediatly. Both of these things prevent mortar & M1 Obusier lethality, and make engagment easier on the frontline fights.

Reakly [U] 3 months ago

Thanks for the answer! Interesting and useful, i aprecciate it

Zuntew 3 months ago

huh, pios always gives you vision and let you win clsoe range fight vs riflemans. Also riflemans with new TTK barerly can close in to Grenadiers. Also 8rads + AT guns is cheese stuff in my eyes, coz it is only 250mp of tech for allin one set up... heals from grenadiers, merge on the frontline and retreating with squads which used merge and 8rads to soften up enemy inf, finish vehicles and force AT.... + HMG which forces indirect fire, coz it can not be flanked vs 3 Grenadiers + 2 pios. COH3 is going to turn in to who first and bloob pokes from amx range. . This WM buiold is the most meta, stuff ever....

IIGaryII 3 months ago

For Zuntew, I have to make some clarifications. In my first post, I wanted to say: spend light scout vehicle + Engineer. It’s too much! We can start with one or the other, not both at the same time. Because you take the risk of facing 2 Grenadiers, with 1 Fusilier alone, early in the game. The number is the key. Stay far, turn around if you have 2 units. So US Ingenieur early ... No. US Scout already gives the view. Light Scout also vehicles and moves faster to capture. However, when you have 50 ammunitions, you need US Engineer and his flamethrower!! The Grenadier is much weaker than you think Zuntew. First, it has only 480 hp. So compare to the Fusilier (600 hp), it is much less resistant. It does not offer the same maneuvering ability, out of cover. He badly takes grenades, flames and mortar. Second, he heals if he is Vet 1 ... Due to its poor firing efficiency, this requires the T1 vet upgrade. Otherwise this ability comes too late and your army will quickly consist of "popcorn" zombies. Third, the Grenadier cannot be upgraded. So spend 10min, it will suffer a lot. Fourth, the WM have another problem. Higher infanteries cost much more in Manpower than those of their opponent without DPS performance and with lower hp (both Grenadier can work better than one Jager, or one PzGrenadier, or one Stobtruppen... Both Grenadier cost more, but with double hp !). When there are many infantry, in equivalent numbers on each side, the infantry fight loses, on the WM side. Hp too weak to withstand a long fight... The construction of a US mortar, in response to the MG42, is the right path. The mortar makes the work of MG difficult (a lot of micro to keep it alive). And the US mortar can very effectively punish static combat, especially with vet 1. There is nothing disturbing here. For if there is MG42, there is -1 Grenadier. MG42 is also a trap for the Allies. But the trap becomes inoperative if the US Scout joins the battlefront. That’s why I mentioned that the US scout "split" after 2 min of the game was a mistake of Rei. The "8 Rad" isn’t really the devil you think, Zuntew, especially since the last patch. Indeed, command points no longer climb as before. So, the "8 Rad" can no longer really appear before 9 min of the game. At this point in the game, it is quite simple to manage (AT Grenades, Bazookas, ATGun, Chaffee for the US). In addition, the timing T4 Tank is close (~ 12-15 min). If the "8 Rad" accumulates, this means that you have already lost the game before, and you have already lost the map control. Personally, I only use it if I dominated the "early game" and half of the "middle game"... and I want to keep control to win very early (US tickets go to fall down before 15-17min). Otherwise, I keep my fuel for a Brummbar-Panther couple. The efficiency is much better than the "8 Rad" + PaK40. Why? Because the Panther is mobile, not the PaK40. In addition, the hp and armor of the Brummbar and Panther allow to take the blows, where the "8 Rad" is like "popcorn" against the US Tank (with 300 Manpower cost, the source dries up quickly). In short, "8 Rad" + PaK40 can only keep one star... Brummbar + Panther allow to play all the stars. Finally, "8 Rad + Panther" ... not possible!!! The number of "8 Rad" needed to be lethal is x3 (120 fuel) => Panther delayed by 5min ... Panther can arrive at 20-22 min, it’s too late 5min. All "8 Rad" are dead on Chaffees action, or Hellcat action... Or you have only one star out of 3 for already 10min (-300 Tickets). Since the last patch, the WM <=> US duel is a bit balanced. The US keeps a small advantage (because of the hp of each soldier). However, if the WM player has better skills, especially in tactics, the US player will be massacred in the "middle game", or in the "late game", according to his bad choices.