First Game 1_7_0 Discover WM_Brit (1200 ELO)

Match 26756354
(2) Faymonville
IIGaryII (Rank 326)

ArseholeAntics (Rank 575)
Uploaded By
Jul 16, 2024
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IIGaryII [U] 6 months ago

I would just like to come back on my refusal (first unit pioneer, motorcycle). Now the pioneer is more effective against light vehicles, if it stays at cover. However, it is even less effective against early game units. Alone or in pairs, it can no longer compete against any unit. Therefore, it is an unnecessary expense at the beginning of the game. Only the Flamethrower allows it to help effectively. On the other hand, if you want to begin with 2 MG42, it can be interesting (range of sight). But, if yours final targuets is not a house, this tactic can be dangerous vs vehicules tactics. For the motorcycle, at the beginning of the game, it is really useful to delay the arrival of vehicles and light tanks. It is also useful for "split" the units of allied armies, and promote the "snow ball" effect of yours (~ 4 <=> 6 min of the game, specially). Semois & Taranto are a good example, Pachino & Villa Fiore (a little less). On the other hand, on Faymonville, it is not very conducive. I’m not talking about Road to Tunis and Twin Beaches, unplayable in WM. On Road to Tunis, the capture points and the distribution of resources reveal the weaknesses of the WM. On Twin Beaches, too easy to accumulate fuel for allies => Fast Humbers and Greyhound, in numbers, kill you too easily. So, on Faymonville, i prefered keep my Manpowers for one more Grenadier. Better chance to win soon engagments.

IIGaryII [U] 6 months ago

This game is my discovery of the new vision of CoH3 gameplay by Devs. Units without cover are much more punished. In view of the changes, I voluntarily refused the Pioneer and the bike first. The game is mastered for 20min. Then, poor in tickets, I traveled a lot, often punished myself by my "multitasks". A classic level game of experienced players (~ 1200 ELO). Not crazy, but serious.