2 vs 2 Close Aere

Match 19192916
(4) Aere Perennius
VonManteuffel (Rank 9)
Heartless Jäger (Rank 10)

TheLaGmAn (Rank 23)
咸阳肉夹馍凉皮冰峰 (Rank 26)
Heartless Jäger
Uploaded By
Feb 19, 2024
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Heartless Jäger [U] 10 months ago

In this game you will see the full meta Coastal Reserves and Gustatori trying to hold against double Airborne.

In the early game some bad positioning led to some wippes on both sides, as time progresses a Huge front line across the center and right side is formed with bunkers mgs 88s At guns and Marders and the allies are trying to break through with Sherman 76mm, Sherman Bulldozers Hellcats mortar pits and many Bombing runs combined with a lot of inf.

In the Arty department we also had something special that you don't see very often: the italian Cannone lets see how that thing performed.

Have fun watching