Profile for AreYouHappy

Latest Matches

Type Map Opponent Result
1v1 (2) Pachino Stalemate Ares defeat about 6 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis REDACTED victory about 6 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis SteveMcQueef victory about 10 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Villa Fiore FLOKL defeat about 10 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis FLOKL defeat about 11 hours ago Replay

Match Stats

  • Total Played 2259
  • Total Tracked on cohdb 2090
  • Lifetime Record 1329 - 930
  • Ratio 58.831%

Latest Replays


Replay Stats

  • Replays Uploaded 1
  • Total Downloads 5
  • Total Likes 0