Profile for Lazy Ren

Latest Matches

Type Map Opponent Result
1v1 (2) Taranto Coastline Somedumbguy victory 7 days ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis 小水水 victory 7 days ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis 共和国战帅 林毓蓉 victory 7 days ago Replay
1v1 (2) Villa Fiore 디카페인도좋아 victory 9 days ago Replay
1v1 (2) Faymonville tbxldskdlxm victory 9 days ago Replay

Match Stats

  • Total Played 497
  • Total Tracked on cohdb 457
  • Lifetime Record 357 - 140
  • Ratio 71.831%

Latest Replays

Lazy Ren
Match 30670228 Unlisted
0 comments - Sep 23, 2024 - 07:24 - 1.8.0
Lazy Ren
Match 30668843 Unlisted
0 comments - Sep 23, 2024 - 13:15 - 1.8.0
共和国战帅 林毓蓉
Lazy Ren
Match 30668109 Unlisted
0 comments - Sep 23, 2024 - 10:30 - 1.8.0
Lazy Ren
Match 30510704 Unlisted
0 comments - Sep 21, 2024 - 20:48 - 1.8.0
Lazy Ren
Match 30509981 Unlisted
0 comments - Sep 21, 2024 - 09:06 - 1.8.0

Replay Stats

  • Replays Uploaded 265
  • Total Downloads 0
  • Total Likes 0