Profile for indoRuwet

Latest Matches

Type Map Opponent Result
4v4 halfa_8p defeat about 16 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Taranto Coastline Korea_woogus defeat about 17 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis [NSFW] NMERCY魔术师 defeat about 17 hours ago Replay
1v1 (2) Road to Tunis Thorus victory 3 days ago Replay
1v1 (2) Faymonville Thorus defeat 3 days ago Replay

Match Stats

  • Total Played 354
  • Total Tracked on cohdb 264
  • Lifetime Record 198 - 156
  • Ratio 55.932%

Latest Replays

Match 21850912 Unlisted
0 comments - Apr 17, 2024 - 11:57 - 1.6.1

Replay Stats

  • Replays Uploaded 1
  • Total Downloads 0
  • Total Likes 0